Pigeons in Minnesota


New member
Hey all,
I was wondering if anyone knows of anywhere around the twin cities or St Cloud area where you can purchase pigeons? Also, I was curious to see if there is any rules against trapping pigeons in Minnesota? They are a non-game bird, able to hunt all year round, so I figured trapping them was legal as well. Any info is much appreciated!!
I do know of someone in Wayzata that sells quail for pretty cheap, if you are interested.

I've trapped a bunch of pigeons near Hopkins but prefer working with the quail I've been buying. PM me if you want the info for quail.
There are usually some ads on Craigslist for pigeons. If you are looking for homing pigeons and get to the SW corner of the state ever, I should have 6-8 ready to go in a month or so. They have just been hatching the last few days.
Trapping is legal. Technically I think you have to destroy them.... This may only pertain to liscensed exterminators.
Most pigeons I find for sale on craigslist are breeders who get all freaked out if the know you are going to use them for training.
If you find a reliable scource keep it under your hat, expect to pay $4-5. My last guy is in jail (again) I think he uses the pigeon money to buy meth.
