Pictures of the season


Well-known member
Lets share some pictures of the season here.
Took off work today and headed out with Nittany and Blitz. Blitz pointed a bird in the briars which I knocked down. He finished if off with a retrieve. Later they were each on point with a bird pinned between them in the switchgrass. I was able to drop him and Blitz made another retrieve. Looked for some woodcock after that and the dogs had one point. I saw the bird for a fraction of a second as it flew off. It was a good day to be out.


FLDBRED, I'm sure you have some sucess stories to share. Lets see those pictures.
OK...we just got back a couple of hours ago! Need to clean guns,unpack etc.!

Great pictures! Looks like your boys are doing great!
We just got back from our annual "Pheasant Camp" trip! For those people that think Pa. doesn't offer some quality pheasant hunting I say "baloney"! In the first picture you can see some of the type of habitat that we were hunting...that's what it takes! It's not easy hunting,these birds are used to eluding predators every day.It takes a while for a bird dog that is used to recently released birds to learn their tricks. Dugan got schooled the first couple of times against these birds,now when he locks onto one of these roosters it's lights out,like in the second picture.But you had better be ready!

How do you keep those two dogs so clean? LOL

Danny will post more pictures later!


They don't always look that clean. I had to clean them up pretty good after Saturday and Monday. Today they cooled off in some water before we left to come home. A lot of the mud came off then. The ticks have been terrible this year. I don't know how guys with longer hair dogs keep up with all the cleaning and de-ticking after a hunt. At least I can see the ticks on my vizslas.

Sound like you had a good week. Can't wait to see more pics. I'm sure your dogs are resting well at the moment.
Do you hunt both dogs at the same time? For ticks I use FrontLine and a large flea collar that I don't cut short. I don't like flea collars,but I only use it when the dogs are hunting in real tick infested cover, then I take it off. It seems to help!
I do hunt both dogs at the same time. The only time I didn't was when I first got Blitz and he was a pup and when he cut his tendon last year in early November. They do a good job together. Nittany will be 7 on November 18th and Blitz is 3. I hope to get them out again for a short hunt on Friday and again on Saturday morning.

I use frontline as well on my dogs. I also spray them with Ovitrol spray. It does help but this year seems to be bad.