Picked up the chicks


Well-known member
Picked up 160 day old chicks from the PGC yesterday. They made it through the night and all is well so far. I hope I don't have to deal with the October snow this fall. Which reminds me, I talked to a guy today that lives in the area and he recently saw a hen that still had blinders on that escaped in the fall. I'm suprised a bird lasted that long with blinders.

My boys like to go check out the chicks when I get them:
Best of luck. Cute little rascals. I haven't picked-up chicks in years . . . oops, wrong "chicks." Old age will do that to ya . . .
I hear ya, Koja. I had other thoughts after I made the post.
I think I'm going to have a dead chick in the morning. I noticed that one chick is missing an eye and the other eye doesn't open much. I don't think he can see enough to eat or drink. I dip his beak in the water when I check on them but it doesn't look good for him.
Good luck with your birds as well, FCSpringer. I think once you get past the 6week mark things get easier and you're half way there.
I hear ya, Koja. I had other thoughts after I made the post.
I think I'm going to have a dead chick in the morning. I noticed that one chick is missing an eye and the other eye doesn't open much. I don't think he can see enough to eat or drink. I dip his beak in the water when I check on them but it doesn't look good for him.

I know it sounds crule, but just dispatch that one now and end the suffering. Never had one survive that was injured or weak! Nature has it's way and I hate too see them suffer knowing they are not going to make it!! I did the same trying to nurse them along, only to be disappointed!! At 6 weeks most all should make it, unless injured!! I was happy to get them to week 3!!! After week 3, loss was minimum!!! Unless the power went off!!!!!!!:rolleyes:
I am taking a stab at quail chicks this year. I have had them for almost 2 weeks and lost four out of the 77 original ones. Guess I am doing ok. The little buggers are already starting to fly around the pen pretty good! I am quiting Homers, so I am modifying my pigeon coop to work as a Johnny house. We'll see how it goes. Best of luck to you guys!
My hatch of 1200 quail eggs started last Sunday and is still going today. The hatch is starting to slow down. We had some incubator issues, including someone leaving the door open for a day. The hatch is still pretty good though. This weekend I'll count the unhatched eggs and figure out a percentage rate. As soon as my students send me the pic's of the baby's I'll post them.
Seems like plenty of people are staying busy with chicks. Good luck to everbody.

I had some birds die, 4 at this point. In the past I would have some dying after a few days and then by 5 or 6 weeks the rest were good to go for the rest of the year.

Cockerfan, you should have some fun with the johnny house. I started one a couple of years ago and things are going well. But I got my quail when they were 8 weeks old. Good luck.
Got the net put up on the flight pen today. The chicks are doing well and I have not lost one in over a week. They started to fly up to the ledge at the windows a couple of days ago. Next week I'll start to mist them with water a couple times. I hope others are doing well.
The birds are about 3.5 weeks old now and are doing well. I plan to let them outside for a bit this weekend while it is warm. Things get a little easier each week.


Today I went down to put blinders on all the chicks. They are about 5.5 weeks old now. My wife and two boys helped get them on. It took almost an hour and a half to put blinders on 130 birds. The boys were a big help and enjoyed themselves.
Connor age 6:

Carson is 4

Most of the hard work is over at this point. Good luck to the others who are raising some birds as well.
Got to school today and had about 30 chukar chicks hatch last nite. Didn't set a big batch of chukar eggs, just the eggs the leftovers from last year ahve been laying. Got another 1200 quail eggs coming in soon.
Today I went down to put blinders on all the chicks. They are about 5.5 weeks old now. My wife and two boys helped get them on. It took almost an hour and a half to put blinders on 130 birds. The boys were a big help and enjoyed themselves.
Connor age 6:
Most of the hard work is over at this point. Good luck to the others who are raising some birds as well.

Very nice. Bet they had a blast. I remember helping my dad at that age with pheasant chicks at a near by hunt club. Coolest thing on earth at that time.

Thanks for posting:cheers:
Boy, some of you guys stay pretty busy with all the birds you're raising.

How many of you release your birds so you can hunt them? Are some of them sold? Just curious what people do with the birds they raise.
I let some hens and roosters go this spring I raised last year, well every year for 10 plus years now. I use up a bunch training, but doing that we use adults, and around 25% get away, some days more like 50%. People miss, dog misbehaves, I don't have a gun:D and that sort of thing. Some hot dry days people plant too light and there dog can't trail them out. So yeah, we let go a ton of adults each year. I don't seem to have any problem hunting with in 5 miles of home and getting my limit most every trip out. It works.. Any one who don't believe it, must be related to water boy's mom.:eek: