pheasant's forever 2014 kansas outlook is out


Well the pheasant's forever forecast came out today and kansas looks to be slightly improved. Was hoping for more, but that is better than being down. They did say renesting habitat was excellent so we will have to wait a couple more weeks for the kansas upland forecast to come out to see if they agree. Regardless of numbers my family and i are gonna go out and have a "blast" opening weekend..2 months away..i can hardly wait!!! Good luck everyone.
Well the pheasant's forever forecast came out today and kansas looks to be slightly improved. Was hoping for more, but that is better than being down. They did say renesting habitat was excellent so we will have to wait a couple more weeks for the kansas upland forecast to come out to see if they agree. Regardless of numbers my family and i are gonna go out and have a "blast" opening weekend..2 months away..i can hardly wait!!! Good luck everyone.

new habitat might have been good, but not sure there was enough carry over to really make any difference, yet.
depends on this winter. If we have a ok winter, no long term snow blanket, the spring nesting conditions will be good. The best we can hope for, in my opinion, mild winter, continued moisture, a lot of hens in the spring. Then we might have a fair number of birds to start out with, next season.


for one, I think the pheasant forecast and also the one's that show up in sporting mag. are a joke, they are out of date in that they are published like maybe in march for the sept. issue and at best, the writers don't really do their homework. that said, for Kansas, there were in fact some birds last year, many surely made it though a nice winter as i heard some crowing turkey hunting and many of them had babies. therefore, you can expect more birds this year than last, to get them ya just might have to spend a little less time riding around in your truck or sitting in the caf?. I have never made a trip and not found birds, just some days a few less, don't think the dogs know the diff. or if they do, they don't seems to care as they are out there for the same reason i am, that's to enjoy the outdoors and everything it has to offer. quit stewing

I have been hunting SW Kansas since 1996 and last year was what I would consider a below average year to almost average. It did help that we got a nice winter storm that rolled in an bunched up the birds in some tailwater pits. It was definitely better than the past couple of years.

Based on information that I have received, I believe it will be an average year. What does that mean? Well, like some guys have said, if you have regular places you have hunted and they are still there (crops, CRP, tree rows, tumbleweeds, etc.), then you should have birds there.

However if you are hunting primarily WIA, then you will have to do your homework, get out and walk, have a good dog, hope for some cold weather and there should be birds.....

And average year in Kansas is better than the best year in Colorado in my humble opinion :D:p

Until then, I think we will hit a local bird farm for some chukar, pheasant and quail as a tuneup :thumbsup:

I'm not sure where you hunt at in SW Kansas? I hunt family ground around Ulysses. Last year was far worse than I ever imagined. Left opening day because we seen 2 birds in 4 hours of hunting and headed North to hunt Walk-in. Hunted Christmas break for a solid 5 hours without seeing a bird. Finally ran across a hen crossing the road in the back of a feed yard and that was the only pheasant I came across in my 4 days of being out there. Father in-law said he's only seen a handful around this past summer. I'm talking about quality ground too. It's sad and makes me sick to my stomach as not too terribly long ago it was one of the best spots in the entire state.
I'm not sure where you hunt at in SW Kansas? I hunt family ground around Ulysses. Last year was far worse than I ever imagined. Left opening day because we seen 2 birds in 4 hours of hunting and headed North to hunt Walk-in. Hunted Christmas break for a solid 5 hours without seeing a bird. Finally ran across a hen crossing the road in the back of a feed yard and that was the only pheasant I came across in my 4 days of being out there. Father in-law said he's only seen a handful around this past summer. I'm talking about quality ground too. It's sad and makes me sick to my stomach as not too terribly long ago it was one of the best spots in the entire state.

Up near the Dodge City I said last year was below average, however with a group of 6 folks with good dogs, we saw and shot some birds. We didn't limit out everyday, but then again that isn't our goal. Put it this way, I wouldn't consider last years hunt a waste or anything.

I not an expert on pheasants raising, rearing, habitat, etc....however I do know that some areas in SW Kansas where hit harder by the drought combined with hail storms. I hope that area comes back strong as I hope the whole state does.

I tell you one thing, my son and I do enjoy our time in Kansas because the people generally speaking are good, salt of the earth folks. As we are law abiding, respectful, type of hunters and outdoorsmen.

Up near the Dodge City I said last year was below average, however with a group of 6 folks with good dogs, we saw and shot some birds. We didn't limit out everyday, but then again that isn't our goal. Put it this way, I wouldn't consider last years hunt a waste or anything.

I not an expert on pheasants raising, rearing, habitat, etc....however I do know that some areas in SW Kansas where hit harder by the drought combined with hail storms. I hope that area comes back strong as I hope the whole state does.

I tell you one thing, my son and I do enjoy our time in Kansas because the people generally speaking are good, salt of the earth folks. As we are law abiding, respectful, type of hunters and outdoorsmen.


Thanks for clearing that up, I was wondering if it was up around Dodge. That's close to where we headed on opening day and we did get into some birds. I completely agree about the people of Kansas, especially Western Kansas people. Wish I could talk the wife into moving out there, but she was born and raised there and doesn't want to go back. Good luck on your hunts this season, I do know the cover is much better out there.
I'm not sure where you hunt at in SW Kansas? I hunt family ground around Ulysses. Last year was far worse than I ever imagined. Left opening day because we seen 2 birds in 4 hours of hunting and headed North to hunt Walk-in. Hunted Christmas break for a solid 5 hours without seeing a bird. Finally ran across a hen crossing the road in the back of a feed yard and that was the only pheasant I came across in my 4 days of being out there. Father in-law said he's only seen a handful around this past summer. I'm talking about quality ground too. It's sad and makes me sick to my stomach as not too terribly long ago it was one of the best spots in the entire state.

agree, it was dismal last season to say the least, better cover will help, but bird recruitment will be slow going..........very slow going.
This past season in Kansas was definitely a down year, but I did manage to get a few limits of roosters and found a few areas with good concentrations of birds. Like all the forecast will tell you "there are good pockets of birds".