Pheasant season started


Well-known member
Well, kind of. I spent the day planting sunflowers, sorghum and a seed mix made for deer, turkey and upland birds. It was PF's bird and buck seed mix. I'm curious to see how it turns out. A guy with a tractor ran his disc over the area and then I broadcast spread the seed and finally drug a skid over to cover the seed. We also have some corn in the area that we will leave stand for wildlife this fall and winter.
Well, kind of. I spent the day planting sunflowers, sorghum and a seed mix made for deer, turkey and upland birds. It was PF's bird and buck seed mix. I'm curious to see how it turns out. A guy with a tractor ran his disc over the area and then I broadcast spread the seed and finally drug a skid over to cover the seed. We also have some corn in the area that we will leave stand for wildlife this fall and winter.

Way to go Buddy!:thumbsup: We both know, just like Penn, with pheasant season there is no "off season"!
The before photos aren't much to look at. I've been doing the sunflower/sorghum field for a few years now. It had a lot of weeds in it that we mowed down. It will have weeds growing up with it, foxtail and milkweed which is good. The other area was in beans last year and has been farmed for a long time. It is 2.7 acres and we have some sweet corn planted beside the bird and buck mix. I'll try to take pictures as it grows this summer.