Pheasant season isn’t looking too good for me now.

Know what your going through in March I had a infection the went to my knee replacement ended with sepsis they had to go back in and take some parts out and replace them. Had to have eight weeks of daily antibiotics in a pick line and I'll be on antibiotics for the rest of my life now. Was worried about hunting the surgery went well but the knee is not as good as the first surgery. I have trouble walking thru the heavy brush so I tend to look for the easy routes but at least I get out. I usually take the older dog since she's slowing down also. Good luck with the surgery and rehab and blocking isn't so bad that's what I did mostly out in South Dakota this year.

Good to hear you're afield and going after it. Let those dogs take on the tough stuff.
So in my real life which I live because I can't drive to Iowa every weekend and Pheasant hunt and have to live vicariously thru you guys and my friends, I'm a Family Medicine Doc.
I've been struggling with tendinitis in my knee and leg as well. I finally tried LISW treatment(Like lithotripsy but low frequency)which seems to have resolved almost all of my pain at least for now. Some orthopedists in your area or podiatrists might have these available.

I just happen to have had back issues as well and FWIW I would see my Family Doc and see if I could get trigger point injections if you have lots of sore and tender spots to the touch and/or physical therapy for some relief while waiting on your back doc appointment. I get a lot of relief from an inversion table as well which you can buy for about $100 and used reasonably can really get you out of pain rapidly.

For the fat guy with Diabetes, walking is the best way to improve that BS all the way to normal while waiting on the surgery and Pheasant hunting might be just the thing

These are mainly things for you to consider and might not work but they at least give you some options and hope

We plan to be in Iowa in a week and I hope to see you each of you out in the fields.

Got the Diabetes 2 under control, had the cataract surgery (both eyes) in March, then my body decided to have a heart attack, or unstable angina attack and am currently recovering from the stent and angioplasty operations. Just wrapped up my 77th year and it was not fun.

Tink is doing well. Now, if she could only run the riding mower.

Most of the stuff I had came from decades of packaged food meals. I think I know the reason married men live longer.

wacher (respective) asses.
Dang that's a crazy run of luck! Glad to hear you are doing alright still! Makes me question my food choices. I hope you get back to going and get out hunting again. I hope that I'm able to do that when I'm in my 70s still, much respect!!
Thanks for updating Kismet!!!
It reminds me that I too can give an update. My situation is not nearly as severe as yours, I wish you a speedy and full recovery!!! My leg / knee / foot issues were apparently the result of planter fasciitis. Now that I have it under control and have special inserts I am much better. Dare I say I am pretty dang close to 100%.
Again wishing you the best Kismet!!!
" . . . currently recovering from the stent and angioplasty operations" - Kismet. as a bionic man, you're readier to go afield.
Thanks for updating Kismet!!!
It reminds me that I too can give an update. My situation is not nearly as severe as yours, I wish you a speedy and full recovery!!! My leg / knee / foot issues were apparently the result of planter fasciitis. Now that I have it under control and have special inserts I am much better. Dare I say I am pretty dang close to 100%.
Again wishing you the best Kismet!!!

i once had plantar fasciitis and my doc gave me exercises to do which cured it. i mean cured, never to return.
i once had plantar fasciitis and my doc gave me exercises to do which cured it. i mean cured, never to return.
Got to put good shoes on your feet. Spending $180 on a pair of athletic shoes may seem expensive but once you do your feet will appreciate. For the last 6 years I wear only Hoka Bondi or Brooks Glycerin. Before I would wear Asics and generally buy the ones that were on sale thinking that $100 would get me a good pair of shoes. I was wrong. When I switched to Hoka, wow what a difference. And I also started replacing my shoes quite frequently. 3 pairs a year. They break down after about 400 miles and if you are on your feet a lot walking at work, they wear out quicker than you think.
i once had plantar fasciitis and my doc gave me exercises to do which cured it. i mean cured, never to return.
A few years ago in Kansas I watched my buddy give himself planter fasciitis. It was dry and cold. What few water sources were froze over. We went out on a pond and were trying to stomp a hole for the dogs. Next day his foot hurt. Next day it really hurt. He could barely walk for a long while. My wife had it also. Doc said to roll her foot on a bottle, cleared it up.
A few years ago in Kansas I watched my buddy give himself planter fasciitis. It was dry and cold. What few water sources were froze over. We went out on a pond and were trying to stomp a hole for the dogs. Next day his foot hurt. Next day it really hurt. He could barely walk for a long while. My wife had it also. Doc said to roll her foot on a bottle, cleared it up.

Just curious: did rolling foot on a bottle clear it permanently or just relieve symptoms for a time?