I will tell you why I say "DONT BOTHER" & why its my first post! Ive hunted here in the 60s...70s ,when a knock on the door & a handshake was all one needed to put there dog into good pheasant cover....the fence rows are gone , the gravel roads are gone and most (NOT ALL) of the wild birds as well.You guys are shooting DNR put & take birds and calling them wild. I am not a pheasant expert , but I used to have the darn things under my bird feeder in winter...have not seen one their in 12 or so yrs. For the effort one puts in here in WIS, you could drive to South Dakota & have a better chance of putting your dogs on more wild birds in one week then in a lifetime here. I didnt mean to offend anyone my age & frustraightion over the declining bird populations in my state are showing through in my posts....I will be more carefull and choose my words better from now on.....Be well gentilemen