Pheasant Feathers


New member
Hi forum members. I am getting an 8 week old lab pup at the end of the week, and I would like to place some pheasant/duck wings/feathers in his kennel. Anyone know where I can pick up some wings? I live in Denver. Thanks. 11/13 is just around the corner!
You can find them any where, try any game farm or shooting preserve for some fresh cleaned birds. They will let you come take all you want if you hit it right when they clean some. "But" I would not be able to recommend that you place them in the kennel with the dog. They will most definitely chew them up causing bad bad habits later. just train with them and put them away. NO chewing on them allowed.
You can find them any where, try any game farm or shooting preserve for some fresh cleaned birds. They will let you come take all you want if you hit it right when they clean some. "But" I would not be able to recommend that you place them in the kennel with the dog. They will most definitely chew them up causing bad bad habits later. just train with them and put them away. NO chewing on them allowed.

This is very good advice. It will cause problems if you allow the pup to chew them up. Just use them in training the pup.:)
Hi forum members. I am getting an 8 week old lab pup at the end of the week, and I would like to place some pheasant/duck wings/feathers in his kennel. Anyone know where I can pick up some wings? I live in Denver. Thanks. 11/13 is just around the corner!

Being that I have had labs now since 1992 hunting upland and waterfowl with them as well as running various field trials and hunt tests. In order to get your pup introduced to bird feathers, etc, I recommend that you get a canvas puppy training dummy/bumper. Use canvas, not rubber or plastic. You can also use a paint roller if you cannot find a small canvas puppy bumper.

Now take those pheasant wings/feathers and securely tape them on the bumper or use the paint roller with the wings or feathers going through the hole and tape them as well.

Now find a hallway in your house (close the doors, so the pup only has one way to escape/run and that is directly back to YOU) and toss it playfully, so pressure for the pup, teasing and such and get the pup excited. Keep it to 5 minutes as most and then put it up. You want to quit/stop while pup is happy and exicted.

Do this a couple of times of week and pup will be fine. Labs/dogs are place oriented and they do not forget smells either. Once a pheasant is introduced early on, they will never forget that smell.

I have seen labs react totally different when the flush a rooster, versus quail, grouse and also while duck hunting.

Good luck with your pup. I will be taking out my 1yr old yellow female this season. it will be fun...I can't wait.

Hot dang, another lab owner. Where do you live in the Denver area? I'm in Aurora on the NE side of Cherry Creek Park. I've got some pheasant wings in the freezer I can give you. Or you could contact Quail Run Sports in Elizabeth or Kiowa Creek Sporting Clays in Kiowa. Both have dog training and bird hunts and you could probably get some wings there.

PM me if you want to stop by, and you can meet my labs Cody (13) and Parker (9mo).