
Question about the PGC Map; while scanning over the map I see all the yellow circles with black pie slices ( The hunter access points I can see what each on represents by the legend ) My question/guess is, where those yellow circles are, is that an area you can hunt freely (hence the name "hunter access point") or is that the regulation for that area for that areas land owner or state land. I can only comment on a few areas and that is near SGL 242, 181.
Any thoughts and by the way this is my first year hunting outside a game farm and first season hunting ever in PA. and I don't know about ya'll but the hunting/fishing regulations is very confusing to me. I guess it just takes time?
Dave, The PGC Mapping Center is something new that they introduced last year. The orange circles you see represent land enrolled in the Cooperative Farm-Game Program or Cooperative Safety Zone Program. In short these programs allow pubilc access to private land enrolled in the programs. The slices within the orange circles represent restrictions created by the landowner. You will be able to see what is restricted in the legend. For example some properties may only allow small game hunting or some may only allow you to deer depends on the land owner. To hunt these properties all you have to do is ask permission first.

HollowWatcher nailed it! These maps can be a GREAT tool.
I was also looking at this. I think I'm slightly confused. In particular I was looking at SGL 124, 053 and 235. I noticed from looking at the map that some of these areas appear to have locations that could be optimal for pheasant hunting (fields, food plots, etc). Are all Game Lands stocked if listed in the stocking plan, or are only certain ones? Also, since there appears to be surrounding properties enrolled in the co-op how would one go about getting permission from them? Is it a matter of going and knocking on doors, or is there a list of individuals that can be contacted through e-mail, phone calls, etc? I personally prefer to meet people in person, but don't want to show up knocking on someone's door uninvited.
The Gamelands that are listed to be stocked are "possible" stocking locations,under normal conditions they should receive birds. How ever if circumstances arise, such as floods, hurricanes, early snows, etc. that reduce the number of birds available, some may not receive birds.
I'll PM you a way to better your odds!

As far as the Co-Ops are concerned, not all will receive birds. It's going to take some time to learn where the better ones are. The Game Commission has increased the amount of acreage of good habitat needed for the farms to receive birds. Some of these properties have signs stating that they are Co-Ops, it's been my experience that most do not. Also look for Safety Zone signs. Yes it's always a good idea to introduce yourself to the landowner.
The Gamelands that are listed to be stocked are "possible" stocking locations,under normal conditions they should receive birds. How ever if circumstances arise, such as floods, hurricanes, early snows, etc. that reduce the number of birds available, some may not receive birds.
I'll PM you a way to better your odds!

As far as the Co-Ops are concerned, not all will receive birds. It's going to take some time to learn where the better ones are. The Game Commission has increased the amount of acreage of good habitat needed for the farms to receive birds. Some of these properties have signs stating that they are Co-Ops, it's been my experience that most do not. Also look for Safety Zone signs. Yes it's always a good idea to introduce yourself to the landowner.

can I get in on that action ;)
It's going to take some time to come up with some "go to" spots..We all here approach pheasant hunting like deer's a year round activity. We do a lot of scouting of areas and talking to landowners. I always enjoying pulling out maps and zeroing in on new earth is great tool! If you are new to an area I would go to a gamelands..sometimes I have whole places to myself! Plan a scounting trip before hunting season to check out some of your potential hunting grounds!
Thanks HollowWatcher. The plan is to start coming up in the spring once the weather gets a little better to begin doing some scouting. I figured I will be able to make half a dozen or so trips up there before next season opens (hopefully a couple more than that). Am really looking forward to getting to meet some of the landowners and possibly some other hunters too.