PF started up in Minnesota. Things like Pheasant Fest when held in the Twin Cities helps boost membership a little, but what really helps obtain and hold members is the fact that smaller towns across MN can have a local chapter and the funds they raise mostly stays local. DNR matching funds really gives acquisition a bump up.
The land acquired over the past 5 - 10 years and some of the land leased in the walk in program appear superior to legacy holdings (often acquired via tax forfeit). While some of this forfeited land across ag country is excellent winter cover for deer and pheasants ... it is nearly impossible to hunt.
MN has been a consistent state to hunt pheasants in over the past 20 years that I have lived here. Couple of rough years in the late nineties after two horrid winters, but over all I cannot complain much. I average right at 2 birds/hunt solo and well over one bird per person per day when I have kids or others along (typically older or less experienced shooters) along. These numbers have been remarkable consistent ... public, private, high number years, low number years. Good dogs and a willingness to walk are the key. These are not ditch birds...
I grew up in North Dakota and still hunt there each year ... MN holds its own unless you are in high density areas of ND.
On the flip side the closeness of MN to the Dakotas helps MN out IMMENSELY. The fact that so many Minnesotans head to the Dakotas to hunt pheasants reduces the overall pressure on MN birds across most of the MN hunting season except opening day.