Can access this link:
Kind of cryptic and a lot confusing, at least to me. Headliner says USDA is about to may "loan payments" to certain "disadvantaged" groups - but text says not a single word about how/what/when. I think this is the business a US court put a stay on - but that doesn't seem to be slowing their roll. Above the law, I guess.
Can anyone shed light on what this really is? Heard yesterday they are not only forgiving loans made to certain individuals if their genetic background is correct - but also adding a 20% cash taxpayer funded gift above and beyond the loan amount for good measure.
Can anyone help me make sense of this - and why on earth we'd want to do such a thing?
Kind of cryptic and a lot confusing, at least to me. Headliner says USDA is about to may "loan payments" to certain "disadvantaged" groups - but text says not a single word about how/what/when. I think this is the business a US court put a stay on - but that doesn't seem to be slowing their roll. Above the law, I guess.
Can anyone shed light on what this really is? Heard yesterday they are not only forgiving loans made to certain individuals if their genetic background is correct - but also adding a 20% cash taxpayer funded gift above and beyond the loan amount for good measure.
Can anyone help me make sense of this - and why on earth we'd want to do such a thing?