Perhaps one of our resident experts can help me decipher this USDA memo I received today


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Can access this link:

Kind of cryptic and a lot confusing, at least to me. Headliner says USDA is about to may "loan payments" to certain "disadvantaged" groups - but text says not a single word about how/what/when. I think this is the business a US court put a stay on - but that doesn't seem to be slowing their roll. Above the law, I guess.

Can anyone shed light on what this really is? Heard yesterday they are not only forgiving loans made to certain individuals if their genetic background is correct - but also adding a 20% cash taxpayer funded gift above and beyond the loan amount for good measure.

Can anyone help me make sense of this - and why on earth we'd want to do such a thing?
The explanation is “mean tweets”.
Are you sure that isn't really "the mean STREETS"? Isn't that where the urban farmers reside? I see California is kicking in taxpayer money to save marijuana growers (who aren't an endangered species in any state that I as aware of).

It would be funny if we weren't paying for it all with money that really is needed for other things.
Think the headline and the article are not related. The article is about CLEAR30 CRP program. Google

American Rescue Plan Act Section 1005 and you can get the article about that.

Think the headline and the article are not related. The article is about CLEAR30 CRP program. Google

American Rescue Plan Act Section 1005 and you can get the article about that.

That is what is puzzling. Why would they headline a newsletter with a bold print title line that is not related in any way to any of the subsequent text?

In any event - what is your take on who they are "rescuing", from what and why?