Pad Care


New member
Does anyone use Tuf-foot to help condition for pads? If so how successful is it? My puddlepointer will not tolerate boots. Last year in Kansas she suffered greatly from the snow and ice. I am looking for help for her. We live in Floirda and she never gets cold weather. We were amazed how much she liked the bitter cold and snow.. Better than we did. We will go back to Kansas for a month this year. Ideas appreciated.

I use Musher's secret on my Lab's pads. They would get pretty torn up after a few days of hunting. Stuff is great and doesn't stain everything... I got it from
I have tried Tuff-Foot, it is really hard to tell if it helps. Be careful as it will stain the heck out of anything. Vaseline helps with snow and ice.

I use Musher's secret on my Lab's pads. They would get pretty torn up after a few days of hunting. Stuff is great and doesn't stain everything... I got it from

how long did it take to make the pads tough walker? i got a free pointer and been running her and her pads are all bleeding god i hate a freaking dog that isnt tough she seems to hunt ok though
I believe its about conditioning the pads. This will help prevent getting tore up in tough country but I think for long term you have to build a dog up...
what do you mean? like let them heal and keep working her or use the stuff your talking about everyday sorry im a little confused
I try not to let the pads get to the bleeding point. I use this stuff to prevent bleeding specially in extreme conditions. I'm in TX and the concrete gets boiling here so if a dog isn't used to the pavement, I won't just start running everyday on the pavement. You have to condition them just like anything. Your free pointer may have sat in a kennel and not been running to the level you are working her. Try it and see if it works. It's $10...
I try not to let the pads get to the bleeding point. I use this stuff to prevent bleeding specially in extreme conditions. I'm in TX and the concrete gets boiling here so if a dog isn't used to the pavement, I won't just start running everyday on the pavement. You have to condition them just like anything. Your free pointer may have sat in a kennel and not been running to the level you are working her. Try it and see if it works. It's $10...

how do you use the stuff pour it on a rag and put on or..... what im thinking to she been stting in a kennel not doing anything i just got her fri and took her out twice with the cool weather thanks for the info
Broom finished concrete is pretty easy and shouldn't be looked over. You don't have to run a dog on it, just let them walk on it.