Pacific flyway bad news

QH, I saw on "" that over the last three days Sacramento received 1.95 inches of rain, that moisture should help.
I hope that rainy weather keeps moving eastward towards Texas/Oklahoma/S.W. Kansas.
Terrible news . . . hope the rain picks-up.
Thats bad news but a chilling forcast for the future everywhere I'm afraid:(
Honestly, even though we are having a drier year I think the main culprit is man made. Permanent crops (almonds, pistachios, grapes) on marginal west valley land takes a lot of irrigation water from the Sacramento/ San Joaquine delta. This land was historically dry farmed as its pretty arid on the west side. A lot of other factors are in play also like more water for salmon etc. I've never hunted the Klamath basin but I wanted to go this December as its the only place in Ca to hunt pheasants in snow.