

New member
The comment in another thread about overseeding got me to thinking....

I frost seeded a 5 acre plot a year ago March 10 with the PF Prairie mix. Some of the wild flowers took off, but none of the grasses. I mowed it as directed throughout the summer.

This Spring I have a thick blanket of cool season grasses coming. I'm planning to hit it with RU in the next week or two to set them back and give the grasses a chance.

I have some leftover cave in rock that I found in the barn. I'm considering broadcasting that lightly (maybe 2-3 lbs/acre) over it after I burn off the cool seasons.

Wasting my time? Be patient and let the original seeding develop? Thoughts?
The one thing that my MDC rep kept telling me was that when you plant NWSG do not expect much for the first couple years. In fact he said that after the first year you'll be wondering what went wrong and swear that its a total failure. But after the second year you'll start to see results and sure enough he was right. The first couple of years the grass is building its root system and sends the majority of its growth below the surface. Then about year 3 they start growing up. Just be patient, it'll work.:cheers::cheers:
I agree with jaytee. Patience. Restoring native grasses isnt a instant gratification process. Lots of people give up before they get the stand they want.

I do agree that you have to get rid of the cool grasses though or at least set them back a little.
I know, I know... I guess I just needed to hear it from someone else, again. I will hold off.