
recently had a litter of wired hair pups and at about a week old one had its jaw broken. its healed fine but there is now an overbite. We have decided not to sell this pup but keep her since we've bonded more with her. Is this going to be a problem going forward? is this something that can be fixed? Thanks for any help.
Probably not, as to fixing it. Might chew her food, with difficultly, strew it around, and her profile might not look right. Big danger with female dog you might breed, is when she trims the umbilical cord on the pups, she might do it chewing and get dangerously close! Food for a brood bitch might take some effort. I have seen lots of "field dogs", trial dogs, who were parrot mouthed, race horses too! If they can run, seems to be inconsequential to breed it forward! This disturbs me, in your case with a known accident, I see it as a battle wound, not a physical defect! She will do fine.
I would just guess the dog had over bite or under bite at birth, not from the break. Unless you looked before the accident. It is a little defect that crops up. I have had a pup here and there with underbite. They are perfectly fine and it will not affect the dog one bit as far as eating or retrieving. Just look at all the people with crooked teeth. Dogs can have braces just like the millions of humans if you wish. But its spendy and not really necessary. I had braces and years now later they went right back to crooked LOL. If this is a result of a break, broke jaw, then you may have some trouble. I would seak out a specialist. With over or under bite the teeth have a home so to speak, not perfect but functional. With displacement you may have issue with teeth hitting one another. Ask your vet to see if there is a dental guy to see. But, if the dog had the bite "before" he got hurt, should be fine till he takes a dirt nap at 25 years old.:thumbsup: