Outdoor Destiny - UPDATE


Well-known member
Got my hands on some family memorabilia from way back. When I was 12 I had three magazine subscriptions: Boy's Life, Mechanics Illustrated, and Field & Stream. There it is.

UPDATE: Boy oh boy has Boy's Life magazine changed. Sitting in the waiting room at the doc's office and there's the new Boy's Life in the rack, so I grabbed it. The front cover was a razzle-dazzle photo of a - get this - brand new super slick BMW car! I could not believe it. Is the BSA getting $$ for product placement??
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Got my hands on some family memorabilia from way back. When I was 12 I had three magazine subscriptions: Boy's Life, Mechanics Illustrated, and Field & Stream. There it is.

That was back when field and stream was a good read. Now you struggle to find an upland story. All deer hunting and reviews on equipment us average guy's can't afford:eek:. They seem to be a little out of touch
That was back when field and stream was a good read. Now you struggle to find an upland story. All deer hunting and reviews on equipment us average guy's can't afford:eek:. They seem to be a little out of touch

Not to mention cyalis ads and pajama grams. If I wanted NME I'd pick up a playboy. I mean seriously what the hell are they thinking.:mad: :eek:
The last issue had an article about the hard times pheasants are facing due to habitat loss and harsh winters. It was a good, depressing read for those of us that like pheasants.:(