Our Off Season


New member
It is a long time until the fall. :) We are keeping busy with training for AKC hunt tests.

We have a new Weim pup named Blitz (7 months old) who we have been training. He is a handful and will certainly be a challenge ... his drive is on overdrive. ;-) We ran him in his first hunt test last weekend - 2 tests, with one pass in Junior Hunter. Dakota and I tried our hand at Master Hunter ... we both need a little more honing, but we will get there. Giving it another go on the 28th and 29th.

A few recent pics of training and tests.

Training in Strasburg at Strasburg Game Birds.




Training the "Rookie" ;-)

Possibly Spousal Abuse and Animal Cruelty in the Same Shot. ;-) Waiting for their brace to start.
"Angry precipitation" falling from the sky, 30MPH wind, gusting to 50.

Hang in there till the fall. ;-) Cheers!
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CO Weimer,

Sounds to me like a good first showing. Great looking dog by the way.
Nicely done. It is good training for both. I ran my new English Setter, Dakota in the Sunday Trial with CGDA. Nasty weather, I would not have hunted in it in the fall, but had already put down my $. Is that the trials you ran in?
We were on the other side of I-25 at Strasburg Game Birds at the Vizsla Club of Colorado's hunt test. There were some CGDA members there too. CJ ran Shawnee at CGDA and at the VCC hunt test. Lots of fun ... you never quite know what dog is going to show up, or what might happen that you haven't trained for. It is a bit like gambling. I love it though.

I am the same way, if it would have been that bad during hunting season, I would have stayed home. ;)

In an effort to protect my good reputation, I did volunteer to run Blitz, but my wife turned me down with "I'm already out here now!" :laugh:
I blame my dogs poor showing on the weather and handler. With the wind so strong she ran over (bumped) the top of 2 Chukars on the up wind side before she could get a scent. The next Trial for me is the 29th and I'm hoping for better weather.
In my case, I always blame the handler. :laugh:

At the end of the day, even if we don't do well, or don't get any birds when hunting, it is still a good day. Nothing beats a day out in the middle of nowhere with the big blue guy.

I blame my dogs poor showing on the weather and handler.
Yup, just like fishing, if get something that is the gravey. Just being out there is enough. It's a primal bonding thing with man, dog, and nature. And I do love the silence of the plains.