Opinions requested


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There is a privately-owned 80 acre CRP tract we have been hunting for years. For me, it takes a quick phone call to the landowner after the second weekend and off we go. We've always had fair to incredible luck in the grass.

However, I learned last night that a battalion of hunters went through it. A friend who lives out by the land counted 35 walkers and 21 pickups, and the people blitzing through the CRP.

Do you all feel like this ground was hunted out as they walked it twice last weekend and I think someone was in it on Opening Weekend?
I have hunted some heavily pressured areas / public ground . I often find that it is the best cover in the area and birds need to use this Thermal cover when the weather gets really tough .

There is no doubt that this has less birds in it than it did but still should hold birds if it's some of the better cover around .

I had an 80 Acre CRP feild that a group went through on opening morning with some dogs that worked to close for my liking . Me and a buddy went there in mid afternoon when birds were loafing and my buddy shot a limit over my Britts .
If it's good cover and particularly if it is some of the best cover around it will refill with birds if it is given a few days rest.

Sure, every time a crew goes through the immediate local rooster population is going to diminish.

Also, the longer it rests the better your chances. If it only gets hunted on weekends, the first weekend day should be OK with less expected on hunting it the second day in a row.
It's what I thought too, but I wanted opinions as 35 people blitzing through an 80 is excessive. My hope is they made enough racket getting out of the trucks during the warm weekend, the birds did their best Usain Bolt imitation.

"For my next impression, Jesse Owens."-Sheriff Bart.