opening day

5 guys 5 limits. We had a good time and JP had a blast. Here we are happy as could be.

Well now that I'm all uptown and can load pictures I'm gonna play too. Here is my pic from the 2008 dove hunts. One is an opener and one is a week after the opener. This year I've decided to wait until the 2nd w/e again to avoid the heat.

Just got back, 8 guys, 6 limits. Plus I got to collard doves as little bonus. Have pics but no way to post them. I'm working on that and will post soon I hope.

There where tons of hunters out It sounded like a war zone. A very good looking young Female game warden, checking for violations was very busy writting tickets to idiots. no licenses, no bird stamps, people shooting over the limit, shooting across roads etc. My group was agast at this behavior. plus one knuckle head was shooting doves and not retrievings them. the young lady was watching from a hilltop and cuffed and stuff him. Some peoples kidds.:eek:
Happy to see the Game Warden was out doing her job. Maybe some of the idiots will learn some ethics of hunting...........Bob
amen Bob,

They (the IDiots) are lucky, the game warden could have, taken their guns, and their right, to hunt.

The fine in az, for not having the $4.50 bird stamp, is $450.00 max. Seams to me that $4.50 worth of insurance, is the cheaper deal. I dont know, Maybe my math is wrong. LOL lolm:D
Sounds like it went well. Someday we will get the silage done I will be able to get out. Still not seeing large numbers.
3 guys 38 birds
Took a pup and by the end she started to get the hang of it. Fair amount of birds did seem to be down from what I had been watching. Gonna try different field in morning maybe get a goose and whole lot of pigeons using field also. Shot decent went 15 for 34 shells with two doubles.:)
Went out last night not expecting much in this part of the state. Took my new gun, my fat old dog, and a box of shells and went to a local piece of public property. There were probably 10 trucks there when I arrrived...something I have a hard time appreciating, but I hunted anyway.

There were birds everywhere and after I found my rythym, things were looking pretty good. Ended up with 8 birds and spent the rest of my time watching everyone blast away. Everyone that came with enough shells left with 15 birds. Can't wait to get back out there!
day 2

Just got home, total for the day 6 whitewings ,two morningdoves, and 6 collered doves. just got home b/c had to work this after noon. I bearly made it on time.

I cant believe People. Met a guy from Nevada, today, with a Wired hair. The poor thing was carring his right hind leg. I, informed the gentleman from Nevada that his dog had something in his paw on the right hand hind leg. The guy heard me clearly and ignored the dog. After 10 minutes, I informed him again that his dog had a problem, maybe cacti, maybe cholla, maybe sand bur but would he please check the dog's hind leg paw? He said he would, we watched him and the dog continued to limp around. He was so busy looking for doves flying in the air the dog finally came to me, I petted it for about 10 minutes, and if finally allowed me to look at it's paw. Spread it's pads, found a cacti needle, removed it with my tweezers. Dog laid there and licked it's paw for about 20 minutes, got up, and proceeded to go on all fours so I think mission accomplished.

I cannot believe people do not pay attention to their dogs. This gentleman is why we do not run dogs in the desert. I don't know, I might be wrong. :eek:
3 guys 38 birds
Took a pup and by the end she started to get the hang of it. Fair amount of birds did seem to be down from what I had been watching. Gonna try different field in morning maybe get a goose and whole lot of pigeons using field also. Shot decent went 15 for 34 shells with two doubles.:)

Wow, 3 guy 38? what is you daily limit? ........
Here its 10 bird, of which no more than 6 whitewings, in aggergate. did you kill 8 collored doves on top of your 30 morning doves? Your to far north to be shooting anything else. In other words,I dont understand. your state have a bigger limit than, mine?????:):)
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Wow, 3 guy 38? what is you daily limit? ........
Here its 10 bird, of which no more than 6 whitewings, in aggergate. did you kill 8 collored doves on top of your 30 morning doves? Your to far north to be shooting anything else. In other words,I dont understand. your state have a bigger limit than, mine?????:):)

Yea our limit is 15/man we only get the mourning doves up here. Due to weather went back to same field this morning considerably less doves 21 for three guys. Took old dog and she tore it up, didn't see her the rest of the day she was tired. Did not shoot as well, shots were tougher only 1 double, 10 birds and about the 30 to 35 shells. Will try other field on Fri morning hoping the birds are still present have not checked it since tues.
Just got home, total for the day 6 whitewings ,two morningdoves, and 6 collered doves. just got home b/c had to work this after noon. I bearly made it on time.

I cant believe People. Met a guy from Nevada, today, with a Wired hair. The poor thing was carring his right hind leg. I, informed the gentleman from Nevada that his dog had something in his paw on the right hand hind leg. The guy heard me clearly and ignored the dog. After 10 minutes, I informed him again that his dog had a problem, maybe cacti, maybe cholla, maybe sand bur but would he please check the dog's hind leg paw? He said he would, we watched him and the dog continued to limp around. He was so busy looking for doves flying in the air the dog finally came to me, I petted it for about 10 minutes, and if finally allowed me to look at it's paw. Spread it's pads, found a cacti needle, removed it with my tweezers. Dog laid there and licked it's paw for about 20 minutes, got up, and proceeded to go on all fours so I think mission accomplished.

I cannot believe people do not pay attention to their dogs. This gentleman is why we do not run dogs in the desert. I don't know, I might be wrong. :eek:

The guy needs his ace kicked! Poor dog; I'd hate to belong to a stupid piece of irresponsible feces!
Went out again last night and took the boys. Shot nine birds with 28 shells. I absolutely love my new (to me) Baretta! Those roosters are in trouble this year.

To make everyone feel better about themselves, I'm sharing the tale of the guy that was next to me last night. I arrived and he was cussing. I asked him what was wrong and he said, "I've been through 2 boxes of shells and I only have one dead bird". Well, I didn't laugh out loud b/c I've had days like that and didn't feel like getting punched in the mouth. We learned that we each pheasant hunt the same part of the state and hunted together for an hour or so. He shot another box of shells and only killed one more bird. SO, if you did better than 1 for 25 or 3 for 75 :eek: you're doing better than this poor guy:D
I got out Opening Day here in Kansas and I had a hunt that I will never forget. Not for the birds harvested (only 5), but because it was the first time I took my 5 year old daughter with me. I'm not an emotional guy by any stretch of the imagination, but something came over me watching my daughter in her camo shirt and hat sitting on the bucket with a smile as wide as one can imagine. Once I'd shoot the birds, she'd pick them up and proceed to name each one and hold them in her arms. She was a little disturbed over the fact that I had to clean them, but she got over it quickly and was very curious once the process got started. Once we got in the truck she thanked me 4 times for taking her hunting and asked if we could do it again. With a tear running down my check I said "You bet we will".
I got out Opening Day here in Kansas and I had a hunt that I will never forget. Not for the birds harvested (only 5), but because it was the first time I took my 5 year old daughter with me. I'm not an emotional guy by any stretch of the imagination, but something came over me watching my daughter in her camo shirt and hat sitting on the bucket with a smile as wide as one can imagine. Once I'd shoot the birds, she'd pick them up and proceed to name each one and hold them in her arms. She was a little disturbed over the fact that I had to clean them, but she got over it quickly and was very curious once the process got started. Once we got in the truck she thanked me 4 times for taking her hunting and asked if we could do it again. With a tear running down my check I said "You bet we will".

Amen brother! That's what it's all about. Congratulations:cheers:eek:n your success in the field. I had the opportunity to take my 2 boys for their second season and it was almost as thrilling as their first. My 5 yo actually helped clean birds last night, but was mad b/c I still won't let him take the 4-10 to the field:rolleyes:I think he can wait another year or 2, but he's hell bent on getting to pull that trigger. He says he wants to learn how to kill them in case we run out of money and we have to take to the woods to find our food;)
The guy needs his ace kicked! Poor dog; I'd hate to belong to a stupid piece of irresponsible feces!


Thats what i thought. I watched this guy until I, I left. Wish I had taken that dog with me. It would have had a better home. The dog seamed to like me better than him. It followed me back to my truck 5 times. I watched this guy go throught, 2 boxes of shells an never saw a birb drop. maybe there is justice in this world. :cheers:
Yea our limit is 15/man we only get the mourning doves up here. Due to weather went back to same field this morning considerably less doves 21 for three guys. Took old dog and she tore it up, didn't see her the rest of the day she was tired. Did not shoot as well, shots were tougher only 1 double, 10 birds and about the 30 to 35 shells. Will try other field on Fri morning hoping the birds are still present have not checked it since tues.


I see, wow 15/man Wish we had that here. 10/ man here of which no more than 6 whitewing per day. your correct on the shots getting tougher on day two. those birds get " edgumacated". lol
Friday two guys we shot new field 30 doves 5 pigeons. My shooting was fair 15 doves three pigeons 40 shells. Had a flock of 4 doves come in,(got to love those robo doves), nephew and I killed all four in four shots had 2 or 3 other doubles and almost a triple on pigeons hit the third one puffed the feathers but he kept a goin.
Saturday same field had a cold front come through and bird numbers dropped like crazy we took our sons they had a great time. Only got eleven doves and four geese before we got rained out. Buddies son shot the geese, he is 11 he put the sneak on them crawled across field through thistles. He was unbelieveably proud of himself as he should of been.