Opening day spectators-advice

I don't think I can afford to go hunting in SD this year. I have plenty of good opportunities in Kansas each year and my children are still small, so I'll spring for a "real" hunting trip with them later. However, my wife and I have decided that coming to SD on opening day, just to watch, wouldn't cost much and I can enjoy it with my 2 boys. They're not big enough to walk far, but they enjoy watching the pretty birds fly and they enjoy watching them die. I've had them out to see 50-80 birds in a day, but their dad hasn't even seen 200-500 birds in a day and it sounds like I might have the chance to show them such a thing this year at minimal cost.

I've never been to SD. If you were in my shoes, what location would you choose. We're planning to arrive in the early AM and find some groups/fields to watch. It is likely that we'll just cruise the backroads from one group to the next.
I think, As you will already have the expense of the trip and weekend.

Why not? pick up a license, bring a shotgun, couple boxes of shells. While your driving around, see a rooster fly into a ditch. Go get him, your family will realy enjoy that.:cool: Maybe get some good pics.:thumbsup:
I'm definately taking cameras--video and still frame.

Chris, thanks for the advice. I thought about just sending you a pm with this question. We're coming up this year without a gun, but I plan to book a hunt in SD in the next 2 years as the oldest son begins carrying a shotgun. We're an outdoors family, so we'll have a great time without having to haul the dogs!
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I'm definately taking cameras--video and still frame.

Chris, thanks for the advice. I thought about just sending you a pm with this question. We're coming up this year without a gun, but I plan to book a hunt in SD in the next 2 years as the oldest son begins carrying a shotgun. We're an outdoors family, so we'll have a great time without having to haul the dogs!

Learned some new info this season regarding youth. In SD youth is licensed from 12-15 with hunter safety crt. License is $25.

In ND there is no minimum age as long as youth is hunting with parent. No hunter safety needed either. License is about $20. Some nice options for parents whose kids are ready for hunting early.

My only concern about the ND reg is when parents try to get there kids out before they are ready and then you have a safety issue.

Something to think about.