Open Carrying


Well-known member
Anyone open carry in town? I did once, but it was in northern Nevada.
Anyone open carry in town? I did once, but it was in northern Nevada.

We don't want to be like the concealed carry dimwit who shot his wife in the LoneStar Steakhouse in Overland Park last week, looking for spare change. "We have seen the enemy and he is US." Pogo. He has not been charged, went to "school", permitted, but you can't teach brains. I like open carry, now that's deterent! I saw Barry Goldwater with a sixgun, in Phoneix, in the 60's at a downtown eatry. I figured I was in the wild west! No speed limit, and a guy with a 10 gallon hat and a six gun! Kansas has no state prohibition on open carry as I read the law. Violation would be municipal violation. In KCMO it is, they are a misdemeanor, in years past, now the sent the on to the Feds. Kansas Federal Prosecutor was the third highest procescutor of fire arms violations, in the nation last year, down from first before!
That guy shot his wife because he had the damn gun in his pocket! Out of a holster is NO place for a firearm unless your getting ready to use it, clean it or store it. Period!

I hear so many people saying "yeah this gun is so small I can carry it in my pocket". Very, very dangerous if you ask me.

An inside the wast band holster or outside either is probably the best place to carry. You can access the gun easier and faster than most anywhere else on the the body and it is close to my hands for defense of it as well. Carry your gun in one place and get used to it being there, practice with it from there and carry it there.

Open carry? I don't know why you would want to. Number of reasons why. First on the list is a gun grab. Biggest fear for me is someone trying to take my weapon. Keep it tucked away out of sight.
I've always thought open carry is a better deterent than concealed. But you're right - it could invite a gun grabber.
We don't want to be like the concealed carry dimwit who shot his wife in the LoneStar Steakhouse in Overland Park last week, looking for spare change. "We have seen the enemy and he is US." Pogo. He has not been charged, went to "school", permitted, but you can't teach brains. I like open carry, now that's deterent! I saw Barry Goldwater with a sixgun, in Phoneix, in the 60's at a downtown eatry. I figured I was in the wild west! No speed limit, and a guy with a 10 gallon hat and a six gun! Kansas has no state prohibition on open carry as I read the law. Violation would be municipal violation. In KCMO it is, they are a misdemeanor, in years past, now the sent the on to the Feds. Kansas Federal Prosecutor was the third highest procescutor of fire arms violations, in the nation last year, down from first before!

Yep, that feller needed better schoolin' on gun totin.' Kansas is open carry except where otherwise prohibited - e.g., in some cities. Wonder if such city ordinances would stand up to 2nd amendment challenge now that we have Heller and McDonald decisions from the Supreme Court.