Who uses OnX? If there are any military in here that use the mil discount from them what package do you purchase? Trying to decide what I would be the most beneficial? Thanks!
My wife has it on her phone, it's pretty slick. That's about all I know about it...
I use it. It's worth every penny. There are only two packages I believe... you either pay 29.99 for access to one state or 99.99 for all states.
I have the single state one for SD and can say it works very well. Usually download maps for offline use since where I deer hunt west river there is usually minimal signal if one at all. If you read the directions and use it right it is very accurate. I know where some of the survey markers are out there and it's within feet if it. If you look around toy can usually find a discount for various organizations. They had one for fathers day this year too. Only ran about 20 bucks then.
I wouldn’t bird hunt MT without it. The bma spots can get huge and it‘s nice to not have to guess where you are. For SD it wasn’t worth the money. The GFP app works great and OnX for SD doesn’t have landowner names, which would be really useful here. A plat map would be a better investment IMHO.
Montana owned company, there customer service has been very good when I needed it. I purchased the elite with all the states. Primarily use it in Montana but I have checked out ranches and farms that I get invited to in Nebraska and SD also. It is worth the $100 to me I will say that.
I think it's worth it. It's nice to know the boundaries of public properties. Also can do some pretty good preliminary scouting with it. I was able to find a couple pretty good quail spots in Nebraska with it.
On the bottom right part of the screen there should be a reticle looking icon, right below the map type-sat/hybrid/topo icon. Hit the reticle icon 1x to identify your location and second time to show you which direction (your phone) is facing.

OnX is great for bird and big game hunting as well as fishing.
Another happy user here. I bought the one state package for Kansas, and it's awesome. I've used it on-line and off.
One of the best features is downloading maps to use offline. Your phone GPS will still work offline so these are fantastic for areas with poor service. I sat down at my desktop and made a map showing all of the private areas we had access to in the area. It had the Kansas WIHA on it as well. You can outline properties plus there are several other tools on it.

Offline feature is great though.
Just a word of warning and I can only speak of what it is like in Michigan. OnX does not always accurately reflect the proper ownership between private and state lands. Just had a call on it today where OnX indicated private ownership when it was actually public land and have had it the other way around too, have had the same issue with platmaps. I always recommend using the platform that a respective state provides as they will show their boundaries accurately. It is a good tool for seeing who the landowner is but is not 100% accurate. I think it is a great tool but like anything else it does have some issues.
I have an elite membership. I live on the Washington/Idaho border so the cost-benefit of elite is better than paying for two separate states. You'll be amazed at how useful this app is beyond hunting and fishing.

I use it to scout areas and then cross-check or vet areas with plats or WDFW/WDNR ArcGIS models. OnX has held up in court, but it's not perfect. The burden lies on you to verify the ownership.
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Just a word of warning and I can only speak of what it is like in Michigan. OnX does not always accurately reflect the proper ownership between private and state lands. Just had a call on it today where OnX indicated private ownership when it was actually public land and have had it the other way around too, have had the same issue with platmaps. I always recommend using the platform that a respective state provides as they will show their boundaries accurately. It is a good tool for seeing who the landowner is but is not 100% accurate. I think it is a great tool but like anything else it does have some issues.
OnX had two GMU's numbered backwards in Washington. One was an OTC General Season Elk unit, the other was a Draw and/or Master Hunter unit only. Very easily could have gotten someone a felony. I emailed them when I noticed the discrepancy and they vetted and corrected it within a day. They're not perfect but they are responsive and they care.