One Last Time


Well-known member
Heading out to the Happy Hunting Grounds in NW to hunt the last two days of the season - bad weather is predicted. Maybe that will help. Help is needed.
Take plenty of Yukon Jack, it helps during those long birdless days. Me and the brittboy were out Sunday; saw no other hunters and put up a total of three hens. I was planning to go out Thursday to close it out, but I'm thinking the day will be much better spent with the fly rod. Good luck to ya.
Wish I were near some trout water . . .
gone west

good luck.
hope you have a honey hole for some birds. mine have all dried up but I think I'm going to have to try it anyway.
Hope you guys have a good one. BDC2, sorry it didn't work out again this year. I am swamped at work six days a week right now. Didn't even get out to hunt in kansas this year. A little disappointed in myself:).