One Day, One Shot, One Bird - Echo & Me 12/11/16

Glad you got the one shot! I like the video.

I had a similar day Saturday. Birds were flushing out of range all day. (Hunted with 3 others, two of whom had dogs.) One buddy dropped a bird, but the dogs didn't find it. Fifty feet from the end of our day, I had a rooster flush 15' in front of me. I dropped him before anyone else got a shot off. Only bird-in-hand of the day. Only drove 395 miles. ;)
I am surprised the birds are getting up so far out. I saw a few hunters out there but the pressure does not seem overwhelming. Glad you were able to close the deal.
We hunted S/W Nebraska, close to Co border (see my report in 'Nebraska' forum). We had some birds holding really tight, others were flushing way out in front. Weather on Sat (12/10/16) was bitterly COLD.
Nice video Ross! It is always nice to get a bird for the dog at the end of the day. I hunted a lot of walkin areas on Thursday, with my lab and didn't find any birds until the last two fields of the day. I missed 2 roosters that my dog flushed. She must of disapproved of my shooting because the next rooster she caught. When she brought it to me I found that it had a broken wing.
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We hunted S/W Nebraska, close to Co border (see my report in 'Nebraska' forum). We had some birds holding really tight, others were flushing way out in front. Weather on Sat (12/10/16) was bitterly COLD.

I will check out the post in the Nebraska forum. I like it cold as the birds are slow to move. I had a couple of hens hold tight but only 1 rooster. The rest were flying 80+ yards out. Echo did get on a rooster on a big public field. She did a great job with the wind in our face. The bird was running as I could see the tracks in the snow. He got up at 60 - 70 yards. Too far for me to have a chance. Good luck this season.
Nice video Ross! It is always nice to get a bird for the dog at the end of the day. I hunted a lot of walkin areas on Thursday, with my lab and didn't find any birds until the last two fields of the day. I missed 2 roosters that my dog flushed. She must of disapproved of my shooting because the next rooster she caught. When she brought it to me I found that it had a broken wing.

Thanks you. She did well tracking birds on Sunday. I don't think she was aware of the one I ended up shooting. That said, she completed a good find, and retrieve. I actually had a great day as she found a couple hens holding tight. Glad she took the one with the broken wing out. No suffering. I hate shooting a bird in deep cover and not recovering him. Good luck. Love to see pictures and video if you have it.
When birds are flushing wild, you need to #1 go into an area from the downwind side #2 be quiet. Park over the hill from where you want to hunt, load your gun in the truck and don't talk to you buddy or your dog, push the truck doors closed and the tailgate closed. Be quiet and hope the wind covers the noise of you and your dog walking.
Thanks. I wish I purchased a GoPro a while back. I messed around with a competitive camera and it failed me.
Thanks. I wish I purchased a GoPro a while back. I messed around with a competitive camera and it failed me.

Yeah, I bought mine about a year ago now and really enjoy having it. It's fun to go back and pick up on things you didn't catch during the hunt. My pup absolutely worked a rooster the other day, locked up and it was honestly absolutely picture perfect and one of the most INTENSE points I've ever seen... I shot the bird, she retrieved it and the whole scenario was a thing of beauty! Then I hit the button after to stop the recording and of course it instead started to record. I FORGOT to start it when she got birdy. :D All well, I have that one in memory for sure... Good luck the rest of the season.
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Yeah, I bought mine about a year ago now and really enjoy having it. It's fun to go back and pick up on things you didn't catch during the hunt. My pup absolutely worked a rooster the other day, locked up and it was honestly absolutely picture perfect and one of the most INTENSE points I've ever seen... I shot the bird, she retrieved it and the whole scenario was a thing of beauty! Then I hit the button after to stop the recording and of course it instead started to record. I FORGOT to start it when she got birdy. :D All well, I have that one in memory for sure... Good luck the rest of the season.

Unfortunately I did the exact same thing on opening day. Limited out in 45m and forgot to hit record. Two of the 3 birds, Echo was fantastic, and I missed it all. Bummer.
Stealth approach to field

Yep, Homeboy, that's how we do it. However, some of my guests just don't stay quiet enough. That just leaves more birds for me to find the next time I hunt that field!
Hi Ross,
Nice video of Echo. I liked how she was looking back to make sure you were still there. And a nice shot. I've been off-line for a couple of months. I'm at the 8 week mark now from breaking my leg on my mtn. bike. on 10/17. I just got the OK to transition to 100% weight-bearing as much as I can tolerate. With continued PT and optimism I hope to be able to take Parker and Brady out during the last week of the season. Otherwise it will be some bird ranches in Feb. or Mar.

I'm living this hunting season through others' exploits and reports.
Hi Ross,
Nice video of Echo. I liked how she was looking back to make sure you were still there. And a nice shot. I've been off-line for a couple of months. I'm at the 8 week mark now from breaking my leg on my mtn. bike. on 10/17. I just got the OK to transition to 100% weight-bearing as much as I can tolerate. With continued PT and optimism I hope to be able to take Parker and Brady out during the last week of the season. Otherwise it will be some bird ranches in Feb. or Mar.

I'm living this hunting season through others' exploits and reports.

Thanks Tom. She does a lot of looking back for me. Even when she is in pursuit of a bird, she will pause and look back. I think that she is getting her confidence. I want her to stop looking back when she is tracking a bird. Sorry about the leg man. That is terrible. Let me know if you can make it out the last weekend. Perhaps Echo and I can join you. Merry Christmas and feel better.