So I just wanted to vent a bit (I already did on the dove hunting thread) about how it is my perception (perception is reality sometimes) that SOME hunters out on the SWA's nowadays have no respect for other hunters.
Case in point, I hunted a SWA out east of Colorado Springs last year for dove opening day. Got out there early, only to see what looked like a rock concert of trucks. 1st, DOW states that you are not allowed to camp on SWA's however I guess they didn't read the rules.
So, I tried to figure out where guys where. Grabbed my stuff and dog and headed over to some rolled up hay bales. Now this is actually how we would hunt down in Texas, mowed rows of sunflower, with hay bales placed around, grab your bucket/swivel, shells, water, and blast em.
I sat down only to figure out after the sun came up that I was in the middle of a crossfire

Tried to move out further and you could see me, however the guys to the left and right of me in the trees would still shoot out towards me and I was getting pelted with shot. I hollered, they stoopped but then started up again.
I did end up with like 7 dove, left about 0900hrs. I will not go back opening day or weekend again unless it is private. May try to head out like the next weekend of so before it gets to cold and pushes them out.
So how do others on this forum feel? You know I try to have respect for folks and I try to teach my son the same.
Case in point, I hunted a SWA out east of Colorado Springs last year for dove opening day. Got out there early, only to see what looked like a rock concert of trucks. 1st, DOW states that you are not allowed to camp on SWA's however I guess they didn't read the rules.
So, I tried to figure out where guys where. Grabbed my stuff and dog and headed over to some rolled up hay bales. Now this is actually how we would hunt down in Texas, mowed rows of sunflower, with hay bales placed around, grab your bucket/swivel, shells, water, and blast em.
I sat down only to figure out after the sun came up that I was in the middle of a crossfire
Tried to move out further and you could see me, however the guys to the left and right of me in the trees would still shoot out towards me and I was getting pelted with shot. I hollered, they stoopped but then started up again.
I did end up with like 7 dove, left about 0900hrs. I will not go back opening day or weekend again unless it is private. May try to head out like the next weekend of so before it gets to cold and pushes them out.
So how do others on this forum feel? You know I try to have respect for folks and I try to teach my son the same.