Ohio hunt in ohio


New member
I would love to be able to go to the well know states for pheasant. I have one problem.Not enough $$$$$. I have never hunted. I have trained my dog on preserves in Mich. I would not be using my dog by this being my first real hunting situation.
I was looking around and talking to folks and I found a place near me in Northwest Ohio called elkhorn lake hunt club. In Bucyrus,Ohio. If any one is intereted in planing a trip. Let me know, otherwise I will head out on my own in a few weeks. They have a website: elkhornlakehuntclub.com or you can access it on UPH in the state directory.:thumbsup:
I'd be interested in joining you for a hunt. I have been to elk horn lake and I was less than impressed and will not be going back. However, if you want to hunt in bucyrus there is another lodge called elkridge game farm. Similar names but way different experiences. The only weekend I might be able do it in october is the weekend of the 16th. The other weekends I have a preserve hunt in n.e ohio and then two weekend for grouse in MI. If that doesn't work maybe we can get together sometime in November. I hunt somewhere almost every weekend, the problem is most of my buddies are deer and turkey hunters, not upland so Im always looking for someone to hunt birds with. I've only been upland hunting for a few years so I"m no expert but I generally have a pretty good time. Also, I think you'll find that if you don't mind doing some research and hunting public lands out of state hunts can be cheaper than you imagined. This is my first year doing out of state upland hunts and I'm going to Michigan twice and Kansas in November for pheasants. You can hunt Michigan for a weekend for about 200 dollars coming from ohio. I'm hunting Kansas from Saturday till Saturday and I plan to spend about $800. I can take a day trip to PA from where I live for just some gas money. These game farms generally seem to cost me between 70 and $100 dollars for a half a day worth of hunting plus the gas to get there. In comparison I don't know if the out of state trips are really all that expensive.
My best option would be to hunt the 9th and/or 10th of Oct. There might be a chance I could hunt on the 16th. I work on the 17th. Location?
Well, I have hunted on some different commercial areas and public land as well. The hunting is ok, but it is a really great experience to hunt on private land, a friend took me on a couple of hunt on his private land and I was hooked. Right now I have made a few friends who own and hunt on private land, I also look through Acreage for sale for some more private land and landowners. Hope this helps you out with the budget issue.