Officer's logbook updated from rifle season

Now that is some fun reading.

"Sheriff deputy caught 14 year old suspect who shot a large buck with a 20 gauge shotgun from his atv, cut it's head off, hid it in the trees and then hid his shotgun. Kid attended hunter ed in Oklahoma so it explained a lot. Look to seeing him in the future."
Love the one when he said he was on the way to thanksgiving dinner and stopped and asked the guy if he needed help cutting the deer head off and if he could have it when he was done. Then asked him if he would give it to the game warden when he was done.
Love the one when he said he was on the way to thanksgiving dinner and stopped and asked the guy if he needed help cutting the deer head off and if he could have it when he was done. Then asked him if he would give it to the game warden when he was done.

If it was a road kill I dont see what the big deal was. However I dont recall if it said if it was road kill or not. Id have given a warning and issued a salvage tag.

But the log was amusing.
I believe it's illegal to to gather any part of road kill without a salvage tag. I see what your saying though.
Pretty funny. I wish that Colorado could borrow some of these Kansas game wardens for public land rifle elk season in October. The logbook on stupid elk hunters that would come out of it would make it worth losing a few game wardens for a month.
If it was a road kill I dont see what the big deal was. However I dont recall if it said if it was road kill or not. Id have given a warning and issued a salvage tag.

But the log was amusing.

Given that he was from Louisiana, it was probably road kill only because he aimed his truck at the deer.
I believe it's illegal to to gather any part of road kill without a salvage tag. I see what your saying though.

Its my understanding that is true.

This got me to thinking. If we (Im sure many of us have done this) are breaking the law if we collect a skull we find out in the CRP, woods etc from a deer that was winter kill, died the previous year etc....would we technically need a salvage tag to possess that skull?

Maybe Troy will see this and provide an answer. Ive collected a few Ive found but never thought it was illegal. Maybe it is, Im not sure. Im 99.9% certain collecting a road kill is so I wonder if there is a distinction between a skull laying out in a field etc.
I still dont get the whole thrill of road hunting. Why on Gods Green earth would you do that. I will admit I was part of it a couple times when I was in HS (not deer) but pheasants/quail with a friend that liked the act...i felt so bad afterwards Ive never done such a thing again. I wasnt friends with him too much longer after that due to another issue. You live and learn but I just dont get the thrill. Especially a deer. You've got to feel like crap (or have no conscience) if you will hang some horns on the wall after shooting it from the road and from your pickup.
Wow, it's worse than last year's entries. Maybe they just reported more, maybe their tactics are working better. It reads as though a majority of deer are being taken illegally. I sure hope that's not really the case.'s-Logbook

In an article in the KDWPT magazine written by a retiring wildlife officer, he said in his entire career he never once checked a deer camp where everyone and everything was legal.
Only dropped antlers can be picked up without a salvage tag or deer tag of your own. Any intact skull plate requires a salvage tag. By intact, I mean with antler attached, not complete skull. Even partial skull plates with antlers need to be tagged. Husker, how's the dogs?
In an article in the KDWPT magazine written by a retiring wildlife officer, he said in his entire career he never once checked a deer camp where everyone and everything was legal.

That bothers me a bit. Too many officers looking for a technicality to hang you on. The older officers would probably let it slide while those fresh out of school may be overly eager to write tickets.

Our camp was checked the day before gun season once. The officer could have got me on a technicality. I had a turkey shot the spring before frozen in a cooler and forgot to bring the transportation tag. She poked my bird to see if it was stiff :eek: then left. Guess you can't please em all.
The older officers would probably let it slide while those fresh out of school may be overly eager to write tickets.

Yep. Many years ago I had four other hunters with me on posted land for which I had written permission. The veteran officer was perfectly satisfied that I alone had written permission. A few years ago I had two hunters with me on another piece of posted land but the new officer called the land manager, a friend of mine, and asked him if he wanted him to cite my two friends since only I had the written permission.
Only dropped antlers can be picked up without a salvage tag or deer tag of your own. Any intact skull plate requires a salvage tag. By intact, I mean with antler attached, not complete skull. Even partial skull plates with antlers need to be tagged. Husker, how's the dogs?

I'll admit I've been in violation of that, without realizing I was opening myself to trouble. What is the procedure when you find a skull out in the woods, just call the game warden, tell them, and wait for them to come and issue a salvage tag?
Similar to killing a deer, you have to tag it before taking possession. Call and the CO will direct you on whether he wants you to bring the skull out or if he wants to tag it in the field.
Only dropped antlers can be picked up without a salvage tag or deer tag of your own. Any intact skull plate requires a salvage tag. By intact, I mean with antler attached, not complete skull. Even partial skull plates with antlers need to be tagged. Husker, how's the dogs?

Well Macy which you had ties to her parents is entering retirement. Ive taken them out a couple times so far this year but have seen less than 20 pheasants while scouting for deer and in the few fields Ive walked so am not even motivated to hunt every weekend like I normally do. Only had the chance to pull the trigger on one rooster.

Concentrated on deer so far this season and my brother and I got a couple of nice Mulies.

Will be heading out the next few weekends not too far from your neck of the woods and hoping to get some more bird land to hunt for next year. Figure the lower pressure will help, Id rather just prairie chicken hunt but have only seen a few of those this year.

My young dog (3.5 yrs old is coming along nicely), though she is a little fat due to her lack of outings. I hope to thin her up in the coming days/weeks. I'll be looking for another dog though in the next year or two.

Im assuming you still have your big string? Been out at all or just working?
Yeah Husker, got a full kennel. Hunted out west today. I feel for the birds. If we get any kind of significant snow they will have to use it for cover as the grass will fill readily. I only got within 100 yards of 1 of the 6 birds I saw. They were bailing out 400+ yards ahead. Dang mice can see over a lot of the CRP standing flat footed.