NW Mo? NE Ks.? SE Ne.? What a choice!


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Well I think the prospects in NW Missouri are better than NE kansas, and SE Nebraska, so this weekend, with the school musical mercifully over, and my regular 13 year old companions free for duty, I believe we will try NW Missouri again. Have see quite a few birds but older age class.
NE Kansas was awful. Hunted a pretty good swatch of Kansas from about Fairview on 36 to Seneca, both north and south of 36. Mostly private, one patch of WIHA which has been productive in years past. Saw not a feather. Missouri, on Sunday, got into pheasants on my honey hole, always good for a couple of roosters. Overall, I think NW Mo. has more pheasants than either NE Kansas, or SE Nebraska. Sickening reality is it may take a few years just to get back to a decent population. Message is clear go west, way west! long hours on the road.