NSTRA Trials by Granite Falls


Well-known member
The Mid-North Region of NSTRA will be holding trials at the Minnesota Heartland Preserve east of Granite Falls this weekend (April 21-22) and also the following weekend (April 28-29). Braces start running at approx. 7:30 AM each day and continue throughout the day. Anyone interested in watching a NSTRA trial and learning more please plan to stop by. Look me up, I'll be there both weekends. Hope to see some of you there.
Id like to make it out ZEB is it okay if i brought my dog with or is there to much going on to have other dogs around on a leash ?
Hey George,

Good luck and straight shooting next weekend. It's a bit far for me, otherwise Max and I would join the fun.


Sweeeet. Way to go Elle :thumbsup:
Heading to Granite Falls later today for another trial this weekend. I was hoping that the weather would be better than we had last weekend but it looks like it might actually be worse. Especially on Saturday. YUK! :mad:
Elle had a good weekend. She didn't come away with any placements but I was very happy with her performance, especially the last brace we ran yesterday on B field. There had been some excellent scores posted on B field so I wasn't too confident on getting a placement. But Elle had her best run ever and was within an eyelash of winning the field. She had 4 finds and 4 retrieves within the first 12 minutes and was running harder than I've ever seen her. Since our bacemate had one bird I wasn't sure it there were any left in the field but late in the brace she was running along the edge of a slough and the damn quail popped before she could point it. It flew out into the cattails by the edge of the water and I managed to call her off. The bird was was still in bounds but dead for the brace for 3 minutes. When the 3 minutes was up I took her out into the cattails and water. Then the other dog decided to join us. Both dogs came together and went on point about the same time. I'm as deep in the water as I can get without going over my boots and I'm telling the judges I have a point. Before the judges could get close enough to see the dogs the other dog took out the bird. Since the judges couldn't see it they couldn't score it. If I had gotten that bird I would have won the field as Elle had extremely high find and retrieve scores for the 4 birds she had on the card. I didn't have a find score under 90 and all the retrieves were in the upper 80's as well as the ground coverage score. I think I ended up getting 4th place. So close it's all I've been able to think about since the brace ended. We just have to keep after it and her time will come.