North Central Hunters

This may apply to some of the NW KS hunters as well, but I was pondering an opening day hunt in NC KS and just had to ask.......How many of you NC hunters will be taking a draw of trees on opening morning as opposed to the grass?
I'd be more than happy to walk some tree rows with ya KB! let's let the warriors pound all the grass first and then we'll hit the trees.... :D
I'll probably be hitting the... :eek:snooze button.:eek: Y'all weed out the dumb ones for me. I'll give ya a couple weeks to get the birds educated and then I'll come by and administer the FINAL EXAM. :D
well since there were techinal problems ill post again. we usually hunt some hedgerows and get birds, got a dried up weedy pond surrounded by tree that kill alot birds out of. where about in the northcentral part will you be? ill be up in republic county opening weekend.
well since there were techinal problems ill post again. we usually hunt some hedgerows and get birds, got a dried up weedy pond surrounded by tree that kill alot birds out of. where about in the northcentral part will you be? ill be up in republic county opening weekend.

I won't be in NC for the opener. I do better there later in the year b/c of the available cover on the places I have access to.
We can only hope for temps like that but as long as it's not 70-80 like in years past for the opener, I'll be happy. How 'bout some moisture, save the slick drivin' sideways roads, is that too much to ask?!?