Non-Resident Hunting License


Well-known member
In looking at the Nebraska Game and Parks web site I am a little confused as to the cost of a Non-Resident Hunting license. It appears I can buy a 2 day license for $67 or an annual license for $97. But what about the Habitat Stamp? It looks like a 3 years Habitat Stamp is $320.50 or a 5 year is $474. Is this correct? Is there not a one year Habitat Stamp? Or am I not reading their fees correctly??
In looking at the Nebraska Game and Parks web site I am a little confused as to the cost of a Non-Resident Hunting license. It appears I can buy a 2 day license for $67 or an annual license for $97. But what about the Habitat Stamp? It looks like a 3 years Habitat Stamp is $320.50 or a 5 year is $474. Is this correct? Is there not a one year Habitat Stamp? Or am I not reading their fees correctly??

The one you are looking at is a 3 year non res license and habitat stamp.
Habitat stamps for bird hunting is $25 for both res and non res.

Okay, but i sure didn't see that on their site. I'll have to look again.
If you click on the permit it details what is included. The stamps are on a separate page.