Non res small game license


New member
I was trying to purchase a non res pheasant hunting license but all that appears is an apprentice license. I have completed hunter safety in illinois and usually that is enough when I’ve hunting in dakotas and Kansas. Do I need to complete an Iowa safety course to not have the apprentice classification? Thanks for any help.
Have you tried purchasing via the Go Outdoors Iowa app?

As a first time licensee, you are not yet in their system. You should have no difficulty purchasing from a license vendor in Iowa or try using the above app to register.
I was on the iowa dnr website. I’ll get downloading the app and see if it allows me to buy a license and enter my hunter safety course number. Thanks for the help.
I was trying to purchase a non res pheasant hunting license but all that appears is an apprentice license. I have completed hunter safety in illinois and usually that is enough when I’ve hunting in dakotas and Kansas. Do I need to complete an Iowa safety course to not have the apprentice classification? Thanks for any help.
Iowa offers a 5 day nr or an annual non res with habitat stamp Walmart opens at 6:00 most locations if your driving in that’s a good option