No flushing wild birds but had fun.


As you know there were no wild bird flushing in our area so Drake and I entered this.






Way to go Mike and Drake !:thumbsup: You and Drake are sure making some great memories. How was the cover at Warriors Mark ? I was going to do a Pheasant Challenge there once.
Way to go Mike and Drake !:thumbsup: You and Drake are sure making some great memories. How was the cover at Warriors Mark ? I was going to do a Pheasant Challenge there once.

Thanks, (good in spots) the snow was still about 8" in spots saturday made for tuff walking. First and second ran sunday.
I agree, the Lab looks like he knows he did well! How do they score these events?

For flushing it?s 15 points per dog flush, 20 points per bird shot, 10 points per retrieve within one step, 5 points per remaining shells, 3 points per min left and 1 point per every 20sec. left. Most of the time the top three comes down to 10 or less points.

I had on video glasses they fogged up after the third bird. I missed and needed a second shot cost us second and close to first. I will use them with no lenses in the next time.
Sounds like "you" cost Drake first or second! :D ;) Hope he can forgive you.