No Federal Prairie Storm- Clear skies in MN

Prairie Storm shells are nothing but a gimmick, with some great advertising.
Round Pellets of hard shot has always been what counts for long range pattering.
Shoot what you like but the standard 12ga 2 3/4 inch 1330 FPS in 6 shot or 4 shot has been the standard Duck & Pheasant load for the past 75 years. This load will work a majority of the time.
For ultra long range Winchester 12ga 3 inch 1 7/8oz copper platted 4 shot has proven to be the best.
I'm guilty of buying PS shells as I have 10 boxes in the office right now ready for the next couple of seasons. With that said, you are speaking as if what you are saying is factual. If so, I would assume you can provide evidence to show these loads are in fact better than the others? I would love to stop spending extra money on shells if I can be shown that it is, without a doubt, a waste of money.
I'm guilty of buying PS shells as I have 10 boxes in the office right now ready for the next couple of seasons. With that said, you are speaking as if what you are saying is factual. If so, I would assume you can provide evidence to show these loads are in fact better than the others? I would love to stop spending extra money on shells if I can be shown that it is, without a doubt, a waste of money.
I'm replying to gimruis and KS GSP, but keep in mind I am not speaking for 1100 Remington Man. The negative aspect of a very "hot" shell (some PS fly 1500fps) is that the pattern suffers due to shot deformity. High antimony of lead, copper plating, and buffers/wad composition will be very important as well. All these factors being equal, data suggests that if you hit 1400fps or faster your pattern will suffer(with lead). When it comes to wingshooting I don't want a pattern with holes in it that might cause a complete miss or poor hit. The flitestopper pellets with the rings of saturn on them I have no idea if they work or are a gimmick. I know they aren't as aerodynamic as a true round shot so they don't travel as far. On the positive side for prairie storm, when a hit is made with a really fast shell, the pellets will do more damage, and I think this is why people have reported a higher kill rate. This is a big plus to avoid cripples that escape to later be coyote food.
Red box Federals is all I ever shoot (unless I have to use steel). Great ammo. Suppose they don't make them anymore ?? Bought a case and a half about a year or two ago.

I do not need the higher pattern density offered by PS especially if the dogs are pointing and holding them until I am close. Lose very few if any birds most season ... just have to remember to let the dog use their nose to find the downed birds. Amazing how deep they can hide or often how far they can move.
Red box Federals is all I ever shoot (unless I have to use steel). Great ammo. Suppose they don't make them anymore ?? Bought a case and a half about a year or two ago.

I do not need the higher pattern density offered by PS especially if the dogs are pointing and holding them until I am close. Lose very few if any birds most season ... just have to remember to let the dog use their nose to find the downed birds. Amazing how deep they can hide or often how far they can move.
I looked into this and here's what I came up with(not sure if I'm right). The federal red box were called wing shok, and after looking on their website they seem to have been discontinued, and I think replaced with "federal premium upland high velocity" shotshells. These are their premium lead pheasant shells, copper plated with higher quality components. The only difference between these and prairie storm are the pellets in prairie storm with the rings of saturn, so to speak. My guess is that if shooting at a longer range bird, the shell with all round pellets would hold a better pattern and work better.
Bob, the Federal Premium High Velocity is basically the same load as the WingShok (at least in 20 ga.), just renamed. I have shot the Wingshok out of my 20 for years. Love it. Glad I have 2 cases in back stock at home!
BTW, another difference, beside the pellets you mentioned, between the Prairie Storm and the Premium High Velocity is the PS has the Flight stopper wad. It suppose to keep a tighter pattern. I like that wad for my turkey loads, not so much for pheasant, but thats me. I also shoot an IC all season for wild birds.