NFL's "Pretty Girls"


Well-known member
What's with all the linebackers in the NFL and long flowing locks? Guess I'm old school but I think it looks rediculous. They wouldn't be playing for Bud Grant! :D
I think both of us are just to darn old George. I have been saying that long hair has to go for a long time. But the owners tried and it was found to be a violation of Players Rights. Still it just does not look good for the NFL.......Bob
Back in "The Day" (late '60's), I grew "long, flowing locks"), as opposed to my shaved melon of today (reckon I've always run to extremes, huh?). Dad & I finished working on my '63 Chev when he said: "Looks like you need a haircut." I replied, "Next are you gonna tell me to get a haircut or leave?" Dad responded that " . . . I'd never tell one of my children to leave. I WILL advise you to get a haircut, however . . . or I'll just pull some that shit out." I got a haircut. Dad was the finest & smartest man I've ever known. Thanks, Dad for all you gave me & the for the legacy that you left . . .
I think both of us are just to darn old George. I have been saying that long hair has to go for a long time. But the owners tried and it was found to be a violation of Players Rights. Still it just does not look good for the NFL.......Bob

Bob and George,

Long hair, I say if they can grow it, ok, go for it. B/c I cant. I only need a hair cut about ever 6 months, and just on the sides, and back. That because "grass will not grow, on a well warn path." That's my storie and I'm sticking to it. lol:D
someone needs to yank them to the ground by their hair. Its fair game I understand. They may think twice about how cool it looks
Yes, it is fair game to yank them by the hair. But it is a very small target in the heat of battle.

jmac, this saying can be used for other things, think about it. " Have you ever seen grass grow on a play ground.".........Bob
Yes, it is fair game to yank them by the hair. But it is a very small target in the heat of battle.

jmac, this saying can be used for other things, think about it. " Have you ever seen grass grow on a play ground.".........Bob

Dang Bob,

I was hoping you wouldn't bring that up. LOL :D
I would never cut my hair during football season, unless we lost. It did get long at time and I would just use a tshirt sleeve as a bandanna to cover my hair and keep it in the helmet. I don't like it shoulder length or longer at all. I agree it should probably not be showing, but some guys do use it as a form of self expression.