Newbie from Michigan


New member
Just wanted to introduce myself, my name is Scott I am a 40 y/o Firefighter from Michigan, I am new to upland hunting thanks to a great find at a German Shorthair Rescue, I have a 4 y/o wired and shorthair mix I began training with her about 2 months ago and she is a natural. She came from an abusive home so hopefully now she can be happy and have the life she was ment to have. I am new to upland bird hunting and I am hooked you can say I am addicted. This is just awsome. I will take any and all tips. I even got my wife hooked. I use to think deer hunting was the best but this beats all watching my dog work is incredible. I hope to get to know some of youu.

Welcome Scott. You Michigan guys rock! Well you came to the right place for upland addicts R us. I recommend a heavy dose of the Bird Dog forum for all your Q & A. Probably some great Grouse hunting in the UP but when your ready to get them dogs on a bunch of Phez head for South Dakota.
Welcome Scott. Good to see another MI boy join the fray.

It happens to the best of us, forgetting about deer hunting that is. I was a hardcore traditional bow hunter until I got my first shorthair. Nothing can compare to watching that dog work after you put all the time and effort into training him. Deer hunting now takes a back seat. Still fun to do, but not what it used to be.

Enjoy the pup. And good on you for taking in a rescue! :10sign:
BIG WELCOME from another MI new guy. Good Luck with that new pup- a wirehair/GSP cross should prove to be an awsome bird dog.

If-n ya dont mind all those Brillo whiskers, that is.....j/k,j/k,j/k,j/k...........:D


Thank you for the warm far I am really loving this site alot of useful info has been found. :cheers:
Howdy Scooter Welcome to the UPH. Or should I say "Addicted To Pheasant Anonymous". We are good group just post your question, no matter, if you think they are stupid/foolish or not. We will be more than happy to share what we know.........Bob
Welcome to the site scooter. It is an easy thing to get addicted to. The site and pheasant hunting. Enjoy.
:welcome: I use to like Deer hunting also. Before I found a good dog. Now I deer hunt because of family. I can only think what a waste of a dog sitting in the kennel back home.:mad:
Scott, thanks for joining and for the rescue. Keep us posted and feel free to chime in!!!!!!!