New to Kansas


New member
I am looking to hunt the SW portion of Kansas this coming season. I am open to any suggestions. I am hoping to relocate to this area this summer, because of a new job opp. I have two labs that I love to hunt with but are far from professional gundogs. I am open to any ideas, so any advice would be welcome.

Thanks in advance.
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Tons of walk-in hunting in the Southwest part of the state and also quite a few good people. You can probably get on some private land if you'll take the time to stop and chat with some farmers before November rolls around. Although I don't think the Southwest part of the state is the place to be this coming year. I have family that farm in Ulysses and hunt out there 5 or 6 times a year and according to my father in-law it's going to be a tough year for birds out that way.
Hey thanks KansasGSP!

Yeah I have heard similar reports about the area. I have family that live in the Texas and Oklahoma Panhandles. Don't know if its to late for a little rain to help much or not. I hope I get a chance to scout some of the area down around there first though.

Anyways thanks for info and good luck this season!

Welcome to the UPF and to Kansas. Drought conditions in the prime pheasant belt do not bode well for the upcoming season.
I will echo what others have said about the drought conditions in much of SW Kansas. I have been working around the area. Garden City has a lot of poor wheat. Sublette and Liberal has fields that never came up last fall, so no amount of rain will save them. I have seen more birds than usual on the roads and in the ditches than usual. Maybe it is because there is no where else. There are waste areas and CRP fields that may produce some hatches, but I think overall nesting success is going to be way off in the severe drought area.

Here at Dodge the wheat is better, although there have been some total wipeout hail storms. My pasture is still dormant, no having the benefit of spring rains for green up. Fortunately, I am down on cow numbers, and there is some carryover grass for them to graze. I have two small pieces of CRP in the pasture perimeter that I can graze under the emergency grazing order. I am hoping I can buy some time and not have to do that, especially since that is a lesser prairie chicken area. I only have four bales of hay left, so the other option is buy hay and starting haying them.

We had a terrible grasshopper problem last year and I was hoping not to have it this year, but this weekend I noticed there is a substantial hatch of tiny grasshoppers. They are back!

Like my dad used to say, "If it is not the hogs, it is the windmill." meaning something was always going wrong at the farm. Still the only life for me.
Grasshoppers mean lots of protien for young birds. It was before my time but family legend holds that we had a lot of quail and pheasants during the dry 1930's. My dad described years when the trees never even leafed out due to drought, but we still had a lot of birds, and a plague of hoppers, he claimed the hoppers would get into the house and eat the curtains! Not that I wish this on anybody. But the bird population might be the least of our troubles.
Grasshoppers mean lots of protien for young birds. It was before my time but family legend holds that we had a lot of quail and pheasants during the dry 1930's. My dad described years when the trees never even leafed out due to drought, but we still had a lot of birds, and a plague of hoppers, he claimed the hoppers would get into the house and eat the curtains! Not that I wish this on anybody. But the bird population might be the least of our troubles.

I have planted some of these "grasshopper bushes" in my shrub rows.
nesting success in roadside ditches is not good....i am afraid, by recent standards, that this coming season is going to be way will have to work very hard to find your birds. SC and SW Kansas is headed for extreme drought conditions, i have seen this movie before, it is not pretty.
nesting success in roadside ditches is not good....i am afraid, by recent standards, that this coming season is going to be way will have to work very hard to find your birds. SC and SW Kansas is headed for extreme drought conditions, i have seen this movie before, it is not pretty.

I couldn't agree more.

In fact, I'd bet a next paycheck it ain't gonna be a stellar season in terms of #'s in much of KS.
I agree with what yall are all saying. I don't think it will be a great season but still wanna get out there and chase a few birds.

I hope the grasshopper population helps what chicks that are hatched, as was said they are a great food source for the chicks.

Oh and thanks for the updates for the surrounding areas. And all the info.