I'm a quail hunter from Charlotte, NC. Actually there are so few quail left here that clay targets are mostly what I kill. I do shoot a lot of skeet and less trap & sporting clays.
I do have a woderful 3 year old German Shorthaired Pointer (Oscar). He is good with quail, but has never smelled a pheasant. I'd be interested to see how he would react. Oscar is my first bird dog, so I know little about training. I just got lucky in choosing one that had all the instincts. At 6 weeks he pointed a quail wing in the yard. My wife shows Oscar, but that's her sport. Hunting comes first.
For years I have wanted to hunt pheasant. This Fall my brother and I are planning a trip to Kansas to hunt the public access land. Even though it's months away, I'm already excited. My first post was in the Kansas forum. If anyone reads it and has any advice, I'd be appreciative.
I do have a woderful 3 year old German Shorthaired Pointer (Oscar). He is good with quail, but has never smelled a pheasant. I'd be interested to see how he would react. Oscar is my first bird dog, so I know little about training. I just got lucky in choosing one that had all the instincts. At 6 weeks he pointed a quail wing in the yard. My wife shows Oscar, but that's her sport. Hunting comes first.

For years I have wanted to hunt pheasant. This Fall my brother and I are planning a trip to Kansas to hunt the public access land. Even though it's months away, I'm already excited. My first post was in the Kansas forum. If anyone reads it and has any advice, I'd be appreciative.