New KS Hunter


New member
Hello, just joined up here to see what all i can learn from others. I just started upland hunting last year and am hoping to really get into it more this coming season. I have a 3yr old pointer that i gave a better home last year and am hoping to really get working with her in the coming months to see how she will fare. Glad to be here and to add another hunting addiction!
Yes, welcome! A nice site with a diverse cast of characters. Lots of opinions to put you on a path to figure out what works best for you (boots, chaps, breed of dog, chokes, shot size etc). The biggest difference from other sites is that here political BS is not toterated. Looking forward to seeing pics of that pointer and some roosters this fall!
welcome fellow Kansan
Hello, just joined up here to see what all i can learn from others. I just started upland hunting last year and am hoping to really get into it more this coming season. I have a 3yr old pointer that i gave a better home last year and am hoping to really get working with her in the coming months to see how she will fare. Glad to be here and to add another hunting addiction!
Welcome to the fray. I have hunted KS for 38 years and have seen every combination of weather and habitat I think is possible. Where are you located?