New Guy On The Hunt


New member
Hi guy's and gal's if your out there. I am new to this site but not new to the chase. I hunt everything from Grouse to Geese depending on time & money. I'm located just south of the cities in Minneasota. Have two dog's, a Springer and a Large munsterlander pointer. I missed out last year but plan on making up for it this year.:D I am looking for places to hit out of state to get my 2 year old pointer on some real bird numbers. Hope you guy's can help. Lets Hunt:thumbsup:
welcome to uph, hope you have a great year hunting. hope you post often. great group of people on this site.:)
Welcome to UPH, Hope to see you around here often........Bob
I've gone up and hunted arround Pipestone in SW Minn for a few years-

pretty darn good pheasant hunting- quite a bit of public land
Welcome to Heaven !!!!!! Join in often!!!! Glad to have you!!!:thumbsup:
Welcome from another MN:thumbsup: