New guy in Florida


New member
Hello everyone, yes I live in Florida, there are no pheasants here. But I do hunt pheasants all over the USA. My wife and I hunted SD last year and we are planning to hunt Ill. this year.
I might be a little far for you, but I drove from Indianapolis. East of Pensacola, outside of Chipley is Hard Labor Creek Plantation. I went there and met up with a friend of mine that has some great bird dogs, we paid $175 each and they gave us 30 quail to set out. Those are the wildest birds I have ever seen that were pen raised, the owner said they have zero human contact, when he picks them up from the breeder he is not allowed to get close to them. We were able to get 26 of them, with 4 dogs, hunting 2 dogs at a time. They also have dogs there and you don't need a hunting license. Much better than the Iowa pheasant trip we took last fall. I plan on going back in Oct.
That sounds like a great deal. I have a friend that lives there. I will check them out! Where did you go in Iowa?
Sorry for the delay, I use my work computer for this, using my home computer my wife says its counter productive. 5 of us went to Strawberry Point, Iowa which is North East. It was hot, by mid-day it was in the upper 70's, corn was about 50% percent out, ( this was opening weekend) The grass we pushed through was crazy thick and tall, I was calling it tiger grass. We had 4 good experienced dogs that worked as hard as possible and in 4 days we got up 4 birds. We hunted on private property and had farmers stop and ask how we were doing and if we wanted to hunt on their farm. Very nice people, in which I noted their names and address and sent them thank you cards. We did run into a grouch that owned a strip of land between two areas we were allowed to hunt. A 20 acre strip between 1200 acres, we unknowingly crossed a corner of his, he called the sheriff, we were arrested, jailed, $3000 cash bond, ticketed, court cost charges, and 6 month probation for out of state hunters. We sincerely apologized to him but to no avail. He was retired army and so were all of us, and we were even stationed at the same place, in a word, unbelievable. Iowa has seen the last of us.
WOW, that is unbelievable. I would like to do a self-guided hunt and then you hear of this kind of stuff. I get amped up after watching a TV show or two like Pheasants Forever Road Show. I start thinking I would love to do a two or three state road trip like that.
The jail had no ATM so it was $300 cash for the $3000 bond, I was lucky enough that between me and another guy that we were able to get everyone out of jail. However like I said we ran into some very nice people, who offered us hundreds of acres, so we actual had more land to hunt than time allowed, but that left a bitter taste in our mouth. We have what is know as Put and Take hunts here in Indiana, where they release a certain amount of birds and if you don't get them too bad. So at the end of that program that last about a month they have the clean up hunts where its open to the public and you can shoot either rooster or hen, so that is a big 4 day hunt that we do, they release about 1000 birds and when they let the public go there are about 400 -600 birds still out there. Being pen raised they wont last through a Indiana winter, but they get educated pretty quick.
That sounds like fun. How do you find out about those hunts? Would it be on the DNR website or would that be at an outfitter's website?
For the quail Hunt outside of Chipley, go to their web site Hard Labor Creek Plantation, the owner is a real nice guy and I think they have about three thousand acres.
For the Put and Take hunts it's on the Indiana DNR web site.
For the Iowa experience your on your own. ( I forgot to tell you that if you didn't have the $300 cash it was mandatory 13 days in jail for out of state hunters)