For you guys doing these shrub/tree plantings, how are you controlling the weeds/grass come summer time?
I haven't any CRP, but I have planted trees/shrubs for 3 springs: 500 bareroots first year -> 625 second year -> 300 third year ... probably some more this year. :) What's worked best for me is a backpack sprayer with RU and a piece of 180 degree piece of ducting on an old hockey stick shaft that I use to guard the shrubs as I spray.

I have a 4 gallon sprayer, but that doesn't mean you need to fill up all the way up. I find 3 gallons a good compromise between weight and duration between fill-ups. I spray 2-3 times per year depending on growth and temperature. During the heat of summer I sometimes like to leave some weed growth around the base - keeps the shrub partially shaded and keep the dirt from really drying out; both helping to conserve moisture!

The hardest part is finding non-windy days to spray. Wind drift can screw things up a bit if you've planted things too close together. On a calm day the plants set 1'-2' apart are still hard, but most are 4'-5' spacing.

Even if you accidently hit a shrub, if you have mixed the RU properly, most shrubs are just set back, but don't die. Occasionally if I see I sprayed the edge of one, I'll just rip the small part that got sprayed completely off to keep the plant from absorbing the RU.
Any more ideas out there? I'll probably go with the fabric or regular old black plastic. I know that the plastic doesn't last as long but all I need is for the plantings to get a year or two headstart on the weeds and the plastic should provide that and its cheaper.