Need to get off the squirrels and back on birds


New member
Fillmore has been getting ansty lately. The walnut tree next door has brought out all the neighborhood squirrels, and it's just one tease after the next. Seeing how the season is just around the corner, it looks like I need to get her back on birds so she can remember what we're really after. Took a couple months off from training as weather was warm and she was dealing with various injuries. I see most of you have been dealing with much hotter temps. Going to Nebraska in two weeks and I'm sure I'll be sweating like a pig.

Anyone else getting back into the swing? fall's a ways off, but dove opener is pretty close. Our neighborhood has been swarmed with doves, and the gal next door had a couple dozen the other day rummaging around. Should snare a few for yard work in the meantime:rolleyes:

what are you doing to get ready for fall?