Need milo planting tips


New member
Who has had success planting milo? Do u broadcast the seed? Grain drill? Fertilizer recommendations? How about weed control? How much moisture can it handle in the soil?
30" rows or drilled, Rows make easier hunting, Buy a variety that matures at 24-36" high, Get it CONCEPT treated, this will allow you to put a pre-emerge chemical on it such as outlook, dual, or one the generic duals along with some atrazine. Come back with 4-6 oz of banvel at emergence for broadleaves if you have to. Fertilizer, depends where you are and if it is just for a food plot or for an actual crop. 70-25-0-10S should cover it, unless you are in an area with low K, then 25 units of K also (70-25-25-10S)(N-P-K-S)

If it isn't CONCEPT treated you can not put a grass herbicide on it.
Wirehairs got it right. I had great plts this year. I used harness extra and they were super clean. Concept treated ( or some say safened) seed.

I use drill with 15" rows. i think 30" is too wide. 15" is ok for walking.

50 lbs nitrogen an acre will get it done if not short on the other K and P.
I had great luck by waiting for brome to green up im places that I had mowed the previous fall.
Then spraying roundup, waiting a week and then drilling PF western mix.
Had some nice rains that helped also.
But, they turned out great... Cane was 8 ft tall, milo and millet is 3-4 ft tall.
Should really hold the birds when/if we get some snow.