Nebraska Opener


New member
Getting ready for opening day this Saturday. Looks like we might have some snow on the ground as well. Who is heading to Nebraska?
Count me in!

Went for a drive last Sunday. Put over 500 Miles on the truck. Scouted WIA on the western edge of NE. Looked at several tracts in CO as well. CRP is in tough shape. But am commited to strap on the boots and give it a go! After all it is called hunting not limiting out! Would hate to dissappoint my dog Cody and not go. Good or bad we shall see. Found a few places that are worth a shot.
On a bright note for CO. Am impressed with the habitat improvement near Holyoke! Hats of too PF and the many volunteers whom have invested their time and hard work too improve the landscape for all the wildlife in NE Colorado. I am from out of state and working here through next year. Last year hunted NE CO and compared the WIA atlas too one I had in 2008. WOW what a big difference in tracts for WIA. Hats off to CO fish and wildlife as well.
Will burn the diesel again this weekend and every other weekend in search of the wiley ditch rooster.
Almost forgot!

Oh Yeah I forgot. Here is what NE has to offer. Cody with some nice birds on public ground CRP.

Can't wait to get out!
Land owners are getting I believe $12 an acre to enroll. Atleast thats in Sedgwick county. I think a lot of landowners are looking to supplement their income with the hardships this year. This is a great opportunity to show them that we as hunters can and will respect their land in hopes of them continuing to enroll it in the WIA program. Remind your buddies to treat em right.
Amen, rwalker!
Treat farmers, ranchers, and their land with respect at all times!!! Without them and their land it would be tough hunting for all. We should be grateful and show it! Without WIA's at some point hunting would not exist for our kids and their kids.
Good luck to everyone going out this weekend. I will be headed to south central Ne. I hope we get a little moisture to help the dogs out!