ND Non-Res License ?


Active member
I know that ND offers a 14 day or 2- 7 day license for Non- Residents. Wondering if anyone know if the offer the second 7 day period for the following season if purchased in late December with less than 14 days in season? I know SD has a plan like this with their Non-res license. Anybody know about ND?

Thanks for any info.
I looked on NoDak Game and fish site and could find nothing that referenced using a portion of the 2 - 7 day periods next year.

Nice incentive, but don't think it exists.
Thanks for the replies. I too have too have looked on the ND G&F site with no info found. Thought I would check with the experienced ND hunters. It is a great idea for people going at end of the season.
They only offer 2 7 day periods of the current year. I usually hunt 3 times a year in ND and always have to buy 2 licenses (4-7 day periods), and waist one of the 7 day periods. It sure would be nice if you could carry over to next year, but unfortunatly you can't.
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South Dakota is the only state that allows you to carry over an unused period to the following calendar year. I believe you have to buy your license after Dec 15th in order for this to be valid. It'd be nice for ND to follow this trend to avoid having to buy 2 licenses and have 1 go to waste, but I'm thinking that probably won't be happening anytime soon.
Iowa used to have (still may) a deal that if you purchased your license after December 14th of the current year, you could hunt all of the next year on the same license..