my dog is smarter than yor dog


New member
my super intelligent dog clyde is smarter than your dog. my brother in law and his family and dog showed up tonight for the weekend. clyde ran away the first chance he got and tried to screw the nieghbor poodle. wish i could run away:( walleye are biting and i have to stay home:( my dog is also smarter than me i knew they were here and i came home
Last edited:, it's that bad over there? Best of luck to you. Hope you make it through the night.;)
Coot and Cloud sure make an adventure out of their fishing.:eek:
And that was all in one outing.:)
I use to have a message on my answering machine that went like this. It's so cold out even the in-laws won't come....I sure hope the weather holds..:laugh::laugh:

Hang in there Coot