My All-Time Favorite Farming book


Active member
Someone on another forum posted this link to a book that is on the top of my list for profitablility and sustainability on the farm.

"Building Soils for Better Crops"

This book discusses crop rotations quite a bit, along with using manures and reduced tillage, to build better soils: Its a free download.

You can download a free version of the book and use as an online reference manual.
along with using manures and reduced tillage, to build better soils:

Maybe you should consider building a couple 2000 head hog confinements on your farm. That way would have plenty of manure to build better soils.
Theres a bunch a few miles away and my neighbor gets manure knifed in from them every fall. I am too far away! They are charging more and more for it every year. Good utilization of the resource.

That's why you need to build your own.
Just wanted to let you know I really appreciate you posting the links to this and the crop rotation study you posted before. It will take me a while to get through this 300+/- pages.:D

But I have read most of the article about the crop rotation study and the Q&A, and even downloaded the study data to look at. Fascinating stuff. Thanks.