More young birds than last season

There are plenty of young birds in the part of KS I visited this w/e. Didn't quite make the full circle I'd planned to, but spent some quality time in one area. I wouldn't say it is any kind of bumper crop, but more youngin's than last season. Didn't see a single mature rooster, but saw at least 50 young ones with speckles.

Saw loads of teal in the mud holes and decent #'s of dove. Didn't see any quail but I'm sure they're still out there.

I did notice a lot of land tilled under this year. Don't know why but one guy I hunt on went from no to minimum till all the way to double and triple till on everthing he owns. I dropped dove hunting for the w/e and started knocking on doors. I was successful in one attempt.

There were also several places that were taken out of the WIHA program. Hope new ones are being enrolled somewhere. Plenty of CRP gone as well.

It is time to be excited gents:cheers:
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More good news to add

The farmer that I just got permission from said he'd seen "quite a few young birds around" as well. He also said he thinks all of the milo will be out by season's opening. There may be a few guys running late in areas, but it will be great if the majority of the milo is out this time. Now all we need is some cold weather.
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The farmer that I just got permission from said he'd seen "quite a few young birds around" as well. He also said he thinks all of the milo will be out by season's opening. There may be a few guys running late in areas, but it will be great if the majority of the milo is out this time. Now all we need is some cold weather.

Things are looking most expeditious.
Kansasbrittany glad to hear that you are seeing more birds than last year. Save some of them for me. I want be able to get there until December.

Good to hear the numbers are looking up in your area. I hope the 21st gets here soon so I can read that report. I keep checking the KDWP site every day even though I know its not there yet.
Milo Harvest

So, are you saying that state wide they are way ahead of last year? That will be great for the opener. I'm planning on being in NW KS the week before Thanksgiving and am really starting to itch.

So, are you saying that state wide they are way ahead of last year? That will be great for the opener. I'm planning on being in NW KS the week before Thanksgiving and am really starting to itch.


I can't speak for state-wide, but I can say a good portion of the state's milo will be cut by then. We'll have to wait to hear from someone that has spent some time in the NW to weigh in.