More pics and video`


Hubby and I were invited to go hunting with a buddy of ours. The accommodations were supurb and the eats ere good. The hunting was great. We had seen a lot of birds. But the videos will show that my shooting was not the best.

The first video is of a wonderful miss of a bird my dog worked for quit a ways.Yeah, I was being vocal, but we were getting close to the end of the day and I wanted him to move out. But as he proves, trust the dog.

Next video is of the 4:31 pm rooster. As luck would have it, we had just run out of time. My husband was unloading and I think you can see me mess wit my gun. Drahts is on the dike looking on. he doesnt even flinch!

The last video is of Max. Again, he had looped around behind me on a rooster. He went on point and I came back to have a look. The pup comes in from the left and you can see her stop. I have not taught her to honor, anything she is doing is on her own. The rooster flushes and............................. youll just have to see what happens............

Yup, I missed that one too. But luckly Drahts was there to drop it for me.

here are some additional pictures.





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Nice pics and Video.

I am familiar with taking video of your own miss, so you are not the first :thumbsup:
somebody is wearing an LLbean vest pack. has that been a good vest? i ripped the front pocket on my strap vest on saturday climbing/slipping over a bardwire fence so im getting something this week and have been eying the LLbean technical vest pack. i do like to carry alot of useless junk.
Yeah, I like it. Although I have been accused of looking like I was going to pack out a quartered elk.
I care first aid, food for me and the dogs. Zip ties for traps. Cameras. Knives, water.ome other stuff just in case.
I have one and so does hubby.
I have been told it is a knock off Mother vest.
Nice videos. Haven't hunted Iowa for the last 5 years, what area were you in? No specifics.
Well, sisnce it was an invite, I dont even want to give you a general local. I will tell ya that it was public. We had some hog confinements around us. There were also some corn fields and bean fields.........Thanks about all I can say without not getting in invite back :)